Events Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2018/19)

Events Committee Agenda 26-03-19

Events Committee Minutes 26-03-19

No Item
53 Apologies for absence
54 Declarations of Interest
55 Minutes of Meeting 3 – 13.11.18

To approve and sign as a true record.

56 Opportunity for Public to Speak
57 Community Field
57.1 To receive a report back on a meeting with a complainant about the community field and to agree any actions.
57.2 To review the rules relating to the rental of the community field and agree any changes.
58 Events programme for 2019-20
  To agree a draft programme of events for 2018-19.
59 Christmas Festival Working Group

To note that the Christmas Festival Working Group has not met since the last meeting of this Committee..

60 Festival of Walks Working Group
60.1 To note the minutes of the meetings held on 7, 14 & 21 February and 21 March 2019 and the decisions made.

7. FOW19 Notes 07.02.19

8. FOW19 Notes 14.02.19

9. FOW19 Notes 28.02.19

61 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

To review the New Year’s Event fireworks event and agree any actions.

62 Events Sponsorship

To discuss any applications and agree actions.

63 Great British High Street

To discuss and agree actions

64 Field Rental Applications

To discuss any applications and agree any actions.

65 Clerk’s updates – To note information items.
66 Next meeting – To be confirmed.