Extraordinary Meeting of Amenities Committee – CANCELLED

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2021/22)

6. Extraordinary Amenities Committee Agenda December 21

Minutes and an audio recording will be added as soon as possible after the meeting

72.Apologies for absence

To receive apologies.

73.Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

74.Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:  https://frodsham.gov.uk/policies-procedures/

75.Approval of minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting held 15th November 2021.

Amenities draft minutes November 15

76.Actions from the meeting held 15th November 2021

To note actions taken as follows:


Ref Subject Outcome Action by Action
69b Grounds maintenance SLA It was agreed to recommend to full council (29 November 2021) to appoint Bidder B. JO Agenda item FTC 29/11/21
70b Ship Street play area It was proposed by Cllr McKeown, seconded by Cllr Hayes and unanimously agreed to recommend to full council (29 November 2021) to approve quote A. Cllrs Wade and Sumner did not take part in the vote. JO Agenda item FTC 29/11/21


77.Budget 2022-2023

  • To note the draft budget provided by the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.

To approve a budget to be recommended to the budget setting meet scheduled for Monday 10th January 2022.

Draft Budget – Amenities Committee

Close of meeting