Extraordinary Meeting of Amenities Committee

Event Details

  • Date:

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2019/21)

This meeting was held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.

Extraordinary Amenities Committee Meeting Agenda 17-12-2020

Extraordinary Amenities Committee Meeting Draft Minutes 17-12-2020

Audio recording

Video recording

79  Apologies for absence

To receive apologies

80  Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda

81  Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:  https://frodsham.gov.uk/policies-procedures/

82  Minutes of meetings to be approved

To agree and sign the minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held 8th December 2020.

83  Committee Members

To consider inviting members of the community to join the Committee as non-voting members.

84  Grounds Maintenance

(a) To consider Service Level Agreement #1 and determine whether any changes/additions need to be made (copy provided to Cllrs) from April 2021.

84a. Contract 1

(b) To consider Service Level Agreement #2 and determine whether any changes/additions need to be made (copy provided to Cllrs) from April 2021.

Copy of 84b. Contract 2

85  Grounds Maintenance Tender 2021 – 2022

To consider appointing professional independent advisors to ensure that the tender process is carried out with due diligence and that best value for money is obtained for the Council.

86  Play Areas

To note the recent play area inspections carried out on 20th November 2020 by Northwich Town Council and agree action to be taken.  Works to be carried out at the appropriate time of the year.  Works identified as follows:

Top Road Weed kill and jet wash path surface
Cut hedge back to fence line
Clean flat swing
Slide painting
Park Lane Cut grass and trim hedge
Townfield Lane Clean & repair split rubber on embankment slide
Trim hedge
Churchfields Repair bench
Improve safety surface under blue swing
Replace missing wood on bridge
Fill in goal mouth
Weed kill under bridge
Trim perimeter hedge

87  Budget 2021-2022

(a) To note that the following items were agreed at the meeting held 8th December and will be recommended to full council: play areas £10,000, tree works £2,000, Hob Hey Wood £5,100, defib maintenance £2,000, replacement tree wrapping £12,000, daffodil bulbs £100, street furniture £2,000, Xmas lights £750, Manley Road Copse £2,000, Marshlands £2,000 (Appendix A).

(b) To approve budget figures for additional maintenance and grounds maintenance.

88  To receive a report from the Clerk

89  Date of next meeting

90  Close of meeting