Extraordinary Meeting of Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 8 (2017/18)

Frodsham Town Council Extraordinary Meeting Agenda 19.12.17 (8)

Frodsham Town Council Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 19.12.17 (8)

No Item
131 Apologies
132 Declarations of Interest
133 Right for the public to speak
134 Staffing Sub-committee – 12 December 2017

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and agree the following recommendations:

R1. To adopt the Staff Recruitment Process – proposed and seconded by Cllrs M Parker and D Critchley.

R2. To adopt the Staff Redundancy Process – proposed and seconded by Cllrs M Parker and P Martin.

Staffing Sub-Committee Minutes 12.12.17 (1)

Staff Recruitment Process

Redundancy Process

135 Resignation
135.1 To note that the Facilities Manager has tendered his resignation and will leave our employment at the end of February 2018.
135.2 To note that Staffing Sub-Committee will undertake the recruitment of a replacement adverting the vacancy the first week in January.
136 Clerk’s Report

To note any information items.

137 Date of next meeting

Monday 8 January 2018
