Extraordinary Meeting of Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2017/18)

FTC Extraordinary Meeting Agenda 20.6.17 (3)

FTC Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 20.6.17 (3)


No Item
38 Apologies
39 Declarations of Interest
40 Right for the public to speak
41 Cemetery Committee – 19 May
41.1 To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and agree the following recommendations:

41. Cemetery Minutes 19.05.17

R1 – To recommend that the design work for the development of the cemetery @ £2,346.05+VAT should be approved.

41.1 Extension Layout

R2 – To recommend the design work to improve access of the existing burial area @ £630+VAT should be approved.

41.1 Frodsham Cemetery_AJDP covering letter

41.2 To agree to vire funds (£2976.05) to cover the above expenditure from Contingency Fund (revenue) to Cemetery Running Costs (Rents,rates & services).
42 War Memorial

To note that the War Memorials Trust have agreed a grant of up to £1,500 to meet a maximum of 75% of the costs of a full conditions survey to be carried out by Lloyd Evans Pritchard Ltd (@£2,250+VAT).  To agree that TC should sign the Grant Contract on behalf the council.

42. WMT Grant Offer

43 New Office

To agree to get an independent assessment of the rent for the new office @ £200+VAT.

44 Clerk’s Report

To note any information items.

45 Date of next meeting

Monday 24 July 2017
