Agenda – Meeting 4 (2023/24)
1. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
2. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest
3. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2023
To accept and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
5. Frodsham Town Council accounts
- To note that the income in November 2023 was £2,815.00.
- To note that the expenditure in November 2023 was £35,435.71 which included a donation of £15,000 to Frodsham Youth Association.
- To note that the sum of all accounts as at 30 November 2023 was £250,601.
- To approve the monthly income and expenditure report (report provided).
- To note the bank reconciliation checks as at 30th November 2023 were checked to bank statements by Cllr Wade (min ref: FTC/27/10/2023/10g) on 12th December 2023.
- To appoint a councillor to carry out the bank reconciliation checks as at 31st December 2023.
6. Internal Audit Report
- To note the internal audit report received from JDH Business Services (report provided).
- To note the response to the report.
7. Frodsham Festival of Walks
To consider the request for an increase of 150% in the budget for the 2024 Festival of Walks from £2,000 to £5,000 (deferred from the Events Committee Meeting held on 5th December 2023) together with budget report provided by the organising group (report provided).
8. Promoting Frodsham
- To note the report provided by Cllr Hayes to approve a request to support a grant bid to install permanent fixtures to lamp posts on Main Street to enable banners to be erected advertising events taking place in Frodsham.
- To agree action to be taken.
9. Budget 2024-2025
- To note the revised proposed budget provided by the Clerk.
- To consider the 2024-2025 budget for recommendation to full council at the FTC Budget Meeting to be held on 8th January 2024.
10.Over 70s Christmas Voucher Scheme
To note that 1,044 applications have been sent to 836 addresses.
11.7-year Garden Tenancy Agreements
- To note that the tenancy agreements are due to be issued by 1st January 2024 to 10 properties adjacent to London Road Playing Field.
- To approve any amendments to the tenancy agreements.
12.Freedom of the Town
To consider the revised policy and procedure (report provided).
13.Clerk’s report
To receive any additional report.
14.Date of next meetings
- To note the Budget Setting Meeting will take place on Monday 8th January and that this is a full council meeting.
- To note that the next Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting will take place on 26th January 2024.