Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2017/18)

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Agenda 24.10.17

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Minutes 24 10 17 (3)

No Item
28 Apologies for Absence

To note

29 Declarations of Interest

To note

30 Requests from the public to speak
31 Minutes of Meeting 2 – 21 August 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Minutes 21 08 17 (2)

32 Budget 2017-18
32.1 To review the 2nd quarter receipts and payments figures and note the expected outturn.

Half year monthly breakdown

End of year forecast

32.2 To discuss and agree amendments to the budget based on the projected outturn and recommend this to P&P committee.

Draft revised budget

33 Petty Cash

To consider new arrangements for dealing with petty cash and agree actions.

34 Clerk’s Items

To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.

35 Date of next meeting

30 January 2018