Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2017/18)

This meeting has been arranged after the scheduled meeting on 30 May was unable to take place as it was inquorate.

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Agenda 06.06.17

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Minutes 06.06.17[ftctable]

No Item
1 Appointment of Chair
2 Appointment of Deputy Chair
3 TOR for the year
To note the Terms of Reference approved at the Annual Meeting on 22 May 2017.3 Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee – Terms of Reference
4 Apologies for Absence
To note4 Finance Scrutiny Minutes 30 1 17 (4)
5 Declarations of Interest
To note
7 Requests from the public to speak
8 Minutes of Meeting 4 – 30 January 2017
To approve and sign as a true record.
9 Annual Return
To review the figures and paperwork to be submitted with the Return.9 Annual Return
10 Budget 2017-18
To review the current budget and make recommendations for change to P&P committee.
11 Methodology for the Effective Execution of Executive Powers for Budget Holding Committees
To review the methodology and recommend changes to P&P committee.
11 Exec Powers
12 Financial Regulations
To review the Financial Regulations and recommend changes to P&P committee.
12 Fin Regs
13 Charges
To review the charges, for 2017-18, for allotments, cemetery fees, room rental (Castle Park), playing fields/land rental and photocopying and make recommendations to P&P committee.13. Review of Fees
14 Publication Scheme
To review the Publication Scheme and make recommendation to P&P committee.14 Publication Scheme
15 Internal Audit
To discuss the process for commissioning the internal audit service for three years starting in 2017-18.
16 Clerk’s Items
To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.
17 Date of next meeting
25 July 2017


Members of the Sub-Committee:

Cllrs C Ashton, J Critchley, R Holt, A Oulton, F Pennington and M Poulton.