Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Event Details

This meeting has been rearranged – was to have been held on 25 July 2017.

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2017/18)

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Agenda 21 08 17 (2)

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Minutes 21 08 17 (2) subject to confirmation


No Item
18 Apologies for Absence

To note

19 Declarations of Interest

To note

20 Requests from the public to speak
21 Minutes of Meeting 1 – 6 June 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

22 Ear Marked Reserves
22.1 To note the increase (£10,401.08) in the Cemetery Reserve as agreed at Council on 24 July
22.2 To review the amounts set aside currently:

Earmarked Reserve


Cemetery 20,401.08 Suggest annual increment to build Maintenance Fund.
Townfield Lane Replacement 36,000.00 Includes £5388 from S106
Christmas Lights 10,000.00 Suggest annual increment to allow for costs of replacement of catenary wires and lights in future years.

To recommend any changes to council.

23 Budget 2017-18

To review the 1st quarter receipts and payments figures and make recommendations for any changes to the budget to P&P committee.

23. 1st Qtr 2017 Report

24 Internal Audit
24.1 To note that the tendering process is underway and tenders are due back on Thursday 24 August.
24.2 To agree 3 councillors to be present at the opening of the tenders.
25 Events Budget

To consider establishing a budget to support local community events and agree actions.

26 Clerk’s Items

To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.

27 Date of next meeting

24 October 2017
