Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Event Details

This meeting has been rearranged from Tuesday 30 January.

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2017/18)

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Agenda 8 02 18 (4)

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Minutes 8.02.18 (4)


No Item
36 Apologies for Absence

To note

37 Declarations of Interest

To note

38 Requests from the public to speak
39 Minutes of Meeting 3 – 24 October 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee Minutes 24 10 17 (3)

40 Budget 2017-18
41 To discuss the report outlining the 3rd quarter spend against budget.

Finance Report 3rd Qtr 2017-18

42 To consider any inconsistencies and to identify any actions that need to be recommended to Policy & Process Committee or any other specific committee.
43 Clerk’s Items

To consider any urgent items received since the agenda was published and agree any actions.

44 Budget 2018-19
44.1 To note the budget agreed by council on 8 January 2018.

Budget 2018-19- after budget setting

44.2 To discuss the capital budget profile and agree any actions.
44.3 To discuss the revised project budget profile and agree any actions.
45 Date of next meeting

24 April 2018
