Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2019/20)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 23-09-19 (6)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 23-09-19 (6)


No Item
79 Apologies
80 Declarations of interest
81 Junior Mayors 2018-2019

To thank past Junior Mayors and present certificates

82 Investiture of the Junior Mayors of Frodsham 2019-2020

To confirm the appointment and invest the Junior Mayors of Frodsham to serve until September 2020

83 Right for the public to speak

To receive a report from a member of the public in respect of parking in Frodsham


To receive report from PCSO Neil Flanagan

85 Frodsham WI

To receive a report in relation to planting in Manley Copse

85.1 To agree action to be taken
86 Ship Street Play Area
86.1 To receive a report from the Green Gates Community Project and take questions from Councillors
86.2 To receive a report from Cllr Critchley
86.3 To consider what further information is required to enable the Council to make a decision with regard to the future of the site
87 Cheshire West and Chester Councillors

To receive a report from Cllr L Riley & Cllr A Dawson

88 Minutes
88.1 To approve minutes of meeting number 1 held on 20/05

88.1. Annual Mtg Minutes 20.05.19 (1)

88.2 To approve minutes of meeting number 4 held on 22/07

88.2. FTC Minutes 22-07-19 (4)

88.3 To approve minutes of meeting number 5 held on 2/08

88.3. FTC Minutes 2-08-19 (5)

89 Co-option
89.1 To note applications for Overton and Five Crosses Ward, Waterside Ward and Castle Park Ward
89.2 To co-opt to fill the vacant positions
90 Finance
90.1 To approve and sign finance report for August 2019

90.1. Finance reports pack 23-09-19

90.2 To approve and sign bank reconciliations for August 2019
90.3 To approve transfer of funds from Co-operative current account to CCLA investment account
90.4 To note the total expenditure in August was £13,856 and the total income was £6,199
91 External Audit

To note conclusion of audit

91.1 To note the Notice of Conclusion of Audit together with section 1, 2 and 3 of the AGAR have been published on the website and posted on the noticeboards
92 Grants

To consider the recommendations of the Grants Panel (document circulated) and place the balance of the grant budget into Events Committee budget.

92. Recommendations from Grant Panel Meeting held 4th September at 2pm

93 P & P Committee Minutes

To note the minutes of the meeting held 19/08

93. PP Minutes 19-08-19(2)

93.1 To consider the recommendations of the Committee in relation to review of Committees that the recommendations put forward be approved for a trial 6 month period; full council to consider whether to put allotments into the Cemetery Committee; full council to determine the process for Planning Committee meetings. (R1)

93.1 Committee Working Group (2)

93.2 To consider adoption of the Complaints Procedure as recommended by the Committee (R2)

93.2. Complaints Policy

93.3 To consider the recommendation that: a) the chain of office be refurbished b) the silver trophies be sold and c) full council be asked to provide a budget of £120 towards a regalia fund. (R3)

93.3 Silver Trophies Valuation

93.4 To consider whether there is an appetite to develop the cemetery building as a permanent office base. (R4)
94 Events Committee Minutes

To note minutes of the meeting held 10/09

94. Events Minutes 10-09-19

94.1 To approve provision of £1,000 from reserves to fund the Halloween Event
94.2 VE Day 2020

To receive a report from Cllr Poulton

95 Environment Committee Minutes

To note minutes of the meeting held 3/09

96 Community Committee Minutes

To note the minutes of the meeting held 13/08

96. Community Minutes 13-08-2019

97 Planning Committee Minutes

To note minutes of the meetings held 22/07 and 19/08

97. Planning Minutes 22.07.19 (3)

97. Planning Minutes 19.08.19 (4)

98 Working Group Records
98.1 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 22/07, 5/08, 19/08, 2/09 and 16/09 (if available)

98.1 NP Steering Group Meeting – 22.07

98.1 NP Steering Group Meeting – 5.08

98.1 NP Steering Group Meeting – 19.08

99 Frodsham Youth Association & Frodsham Community Association

To receive a report from Cllr Dawson.

100 CCTV

To approve expenditure of approx. £5,000 for maintenance of 2 cameras

101 Clerk’s Report

To receive any information items and agree any action to be taken

102 Close of meeting
