Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Meeting 15 (2019/21)

This meeting is being held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

Members of the public are invited to join the meeting via Zoom. Please email the Clerk at by Monday 28 September at 10am to obtain joining details. Castle Park House is not currently open to members of the public.

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 28-09-2020

Frodsham Town Council Draft Minutes 28-09-2020

Video Recording

Audio Recording


214.     Apologies for absence

To receive apologies

215.     Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.

216.     Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

217.     PCSO Neil Flanagan

To receive a report

218.     Cheshire West and Chester Council Frodsham Ward Councillors

To receive a report from Cllr A Dawson and L Riley on Cheshire West and Chester Council business

219.     Minutes of the meetings to be approved

219.1  To agree and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held 27th July 2020 as a true record of the meeting (document attached)

219.1. FTC Minutes 27-07-2020

219.2  To agree and sign the minutes of the Extra Ordinary Full Town Council Meeting held 29th July 2020 as a true record of the meeting (document attached)

219.2. FTC EO Minutes (3)

219.3  To agree and sign the minutes of the Extra Ordinary Full Town Council Meeting held 19th August 2020 as a true record of the meeting (document attached)

219.3. FTC EO DRAFT Minutes (3)

220.     Annual Audit 2019 – 2020

220.1  To note the Annual Internal Audit Report received from JDH Business Services and actions taken (document attached)

220. Frodsham1920IAReport_year_end_final

220.2  To note signed copy of AGAR has been received from JDH Business Services (document attached)

220.3  To note all documents have now been sent to PKJ Littlejohn for external audit

221.     Finance reports pack

221. Finance report

221.1  To approve the expenditure for August 2020 set out in the reports pack

221.2  To note the income set out in the reports pack

221.3  To note bank reconciliations as presented with supporting documentation

221.4  To note income and expenditure against budget forecast

222.     Clerk’s report

To receive update from previous meetings and progress

223.     Liverpool Airport Consultative Meeting

To receive a brief verbal report from Cllr Ashton

224.     Frodsham Memorial access path

To receive a report from Cllr J Critchley

225.     Conduct of Council and Committee Meetings

To consider a proposal from Cllr Griffiths to amend Standing Order (3a Meetings Generally) to allow members of the public, including elected CWAC Borough Councillors, to participate in discussion on items on the agenda throughout the meeting, not restricted to public speaking time which takes place at the beginning of each meeting.

226.     Terms of reference for Committees

To approve the terms of reference for the following committees:

226.1  Policy Process & Revenue Committee

226.1. PPR Committee – ToR 2020-2021

226.2  Amenities Committee

226.2. Amenities Committee – ToR 2020-2021

226.3  Events Committee

226.3. Events Committee ToR

226.4  Planning Committee

226.4. Planning Committee ToR

227.     Frodsham Recreational Grounds Charity

To agree a date for a date for a meeting of Frodsham Recreational Grounds Charity to ensure Frodsham Town Council meets its responsibilities as sole managing trustee of a local trust.

228.     The Friends of Hob Hey Wood Charity

To agree a date for a date for a meeting of The Friends of Hob Hey Wood Charity

to ensure Frodsham Town Council meets its responsibilities as sole managing trustee of a local trust.

229.     Casual vacancies

229.1  To note that CWAC has confirmed that there has been no request for an election by 10 members of the community in either the Waterside Ward or Overton and Five Crosses Ward of Frodsham.

229.2  To resolve to advertise the 2 vacancies and proceed to co-option with a view to appoint at the November meeting of Full Council

230.     Hob Hey Wood

230.1  To consider what action the Council needs to take with regard to repair of the northeast path boardwalk which is in serious state of repair and requires replacement at an estimated cost of £8,000.

230.2  To consider what action the Council need to make in supporting Hob Hey Wood Friends Group produce a 2021 Calendar featuring photographs taken through the year of Hob Hey Wood at an estimated cost of £300 for 100 copies.

231.     Ship Street play area

231.1  To receive a report from Cllr H Hayes on the Options Appraisal Working Group meeting held on 24th September and progress to date.

231.2  To note a request from Cllr Sumner to install accessible paths and benches around the perimeter of the play area.

232.     Town Clock Repairs and Servicing

232.1  To note that the initial repairs and clock servicing have been carried out by Smith of Derby and a new motor has been installed at a total cost of £885 VAT.

232.2  To resolve to replace the clock cover glass and install LED lights at a cost of £1,404 plus VAT

232. 2020 September 14 – TR – Quotation to replace cover glass + LED upgrade

233.     Halloween

To consider a request from a resident to hold a socially distanced children’s Halloween event.

233. Pumpkin Proposal 2020 V1.1

234.     Date of next meeting and items for consideration at the next meeting
