Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2017/19)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 24.07.17 (4)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 24.07.17 (4)

No Item
45 Apologies
46 Declarations of Interest
47 Minutes of the Meeting No1 – 22 May 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

47. AGM Minutes 22.05.17 (1)

48 Minutes of the Meeting No2 – 22 May 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

48. FTC Minutes 22.05.17 (2)

49 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting No3 – 20 June 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

49. FTC EM Minutes 20.6.17 (3)

50 PCSO Arrangements

To discuss current PCSO arrangements with Superintendent Peter Crowcroft.


To discuss current issues with CWAC Cllr Shore, Portfolio Holder for Environment.

52 Right for the public to speak
52.1 PCSO
52.2 Alan McGann – Car Parking
52.3 Mrs F Sutton – Frodsham Youth Association
52.4 Other
53 Finance Management:  01.05.17 – 30.06.17 – To note the finance report.

53. Finance Report 24 July 2017

53.1 Paid Expenditure

To note the total expenditure in May & June 2017 was £42,653.73 (£24,628.04 & £18,025.69).

53.2 Received Income

To note the total receipts in May & June 2017 was £8,710.06 (£3,562 & £5,148.06).

53.3 Bank Reconciliation

To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of June 2017 were £405,199.46.

54 Committee Minutes
54.1a Environment Committee – 6.06.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

54.1a. Environment Minutes 06.06.17

54.1b Environment Committee – 4.07.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

54.1b. Environment Minutes 04.07.17 published draft

54.2a P&P Committee – 12.06.17

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendations:

54.2a. P&P Minutes 12 06 17 (1)

R1.  To reduce the quorum for meetings of Finance Scrutiny Sub-committee to 3 in the Terms of Reference – proposed & seconded by Cllrs M Poulton and F Pennington.

54.2a. R1 Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee – Terms of Reference

R2. To increase the limit in 2.1.iii to £250 in the Methodology for the Effective Execution of Executive Powers for Budget Holding Committees – proposed & seconded by Cllrs F Pennington and M Poulton.

54.2a. R2 Exec_Powers

R3. To recommend the amended Financial Regulations for approval – proposed & seconded by Cllrs F Pennington and D Critchley.

54.2a. R3 Fin Regs

R4. To recommend the amended Publications Scheme for approval – proposed & seconded by Cllrs F Pennington and D Critchley.

54.2a. R4 Publication_Scheme

R5. To recommend the grant to Frodsham Youth Association for 2017-18 should be £8,000 with a planned reduction to £6,000 in 2018-19 – proposed & seconded by Cllrs M Poulton & D Critchley.

R6. To transfer the WW1 Commemorative Working Group to the Arts Centre Trust together with the budget allocation of £2,400 and the Mayor’s Fund donation of £500 for St Laurence War Memorial Restoration – proposed & seconded by Cllrs F Pennington and A Oulton.

R7. To approve the current process for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts.

R8. To approve the Press/Media Policy unamended.

54.2a. R8. Media Policy

R9. To increase the Chair/Mayor’s Allowance to £1,000, the additional £350 to come out of the soft reserves contingency budget – proposed & seconded by Cllrs F Pennington and M Poulton.

54.2b P&P Committee – 10.07.17

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendations:

54.2b. P&P Minutes 10 07 17 (2)

R1. – Council should resolve that it now meets the criteria for eligibility for the General Power of Competence. Proposed & seconded by Cllrs M Poulton and J Critchley.

R2. – To adopt the Action Plan for 2017-18.

54.2b R2. Action Plan for 2017-18

54.3a Community Committee – 20.06.17

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and agree the following recommendation:

54.3a. Community Minutes 20.06.17 (2)

R1. To approve the revised Events Protocol.

54.3a. Events Protocol

54.3b Community Committee – 18.07.17

54.3b. Community Minutes 18.07.17 (1)

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken & agree the following recommendations:

R1.  It is formally proposed that council reconsiders holding the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial – proposed & seconded by Cllrs M Poulton and A Oulton.

54.4a Planning Committee – 26.06.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

54.4a. Planning Minutes 19.06.17 (1)

54.4b Planning Committee – 17.07.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

54.4b. Planning Minutes 17.07.17 (2)

54.5 Cemetery Committee 20.07.17

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and any recommendations

54.5. Cemetery Minutes 20.07.17 (1)

54.5. Cemetery Committee – ToR 17-18

55 Working Group Records
55.1 WW1 Commemorative Working Group

To note minutes of the Working Group meetings held on 17.05.17, 14.06.17 & 12.07.17.

55.1. WW1 Record 17.05.17

55.1. WW1 Record 140617

55.1. WW1 Record 120717

55.2 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 18.05.17, 1.06.17, 29.06.17 & 13.07.17.

55.2. NP Steering Group Meeting 18.05.17 (27)

55.2. NP Steering Group Meeting 1.06.17 (1)

55.2. NP Steering Group Meeting 29.06.17 (2)

55.2. NP Steering Group Meeting 13.07.17 (3)

55.3 Christmas Festival Working group

To note the next meeting is on Wednesday 26 July, 2pm at the Arts Centre.

56 Office Accommodation – To receive an update and agree any actions.
57 Internal Audit Report 2016-17

To note the Internal Audit Report and the four minor issues raised.

57. Frodsham1617_final_IAreport

58 Annual Town Meeting – Item deferred as subject to current Code of Conduct proceedings
58.1 To review the arrangements for 2017.

58.1. ATM Review

58.2 To discuss and agree arrangements for 2018.
59 Play Area Plans
59.1 Park Lane – To receive a project plan. To discuss and agree any actions.
59.2 Townfield Lane – To receive an update on the Townfield Lane Play Area. To agree to take forward the proposals, contacting equipment companies and seek quotes.


60 CWAC Cllrs’ Report – To note.
61 Chair’s Report – To note
62 Mayor’s Report – To note.
63 Clerk’s Report – To note any information items.
64 Date of next meeting – Monday 25 September 2017
65 Townfield Lane

If required to discuss confidential matters.

66 Ship Street

If required to discuss confidential matters.

67 WW1 Commemorative Working Group

If required to discuss confidential matters.
