Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 11 (2018/19)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 25.03.19 (11)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 25.03.19 (11)


No Item
149 Apologies
150 Declarations of Interest
151 Minutes of Meeting 6 – 28 January 2019

To approve and sign as a true record.

FTC Minutes 28.01.19 (10)

152 Right for the public to speak
152.1 PCSO
152.2 Report from members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee
152.3 Other
153 Finance Management:  01.01.19 – 28.02-19 – To approve the finance report.

153-Finance Report

153.1 Paid Expenditure

To note the total expenditure in February 2019 was £12,951.27

153.2 Received Income

To note the total receipts in February 2019 were £2,048.91

153.3 Bank Reconciliation

To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end February 2019 was £315,589.59

154 Committee Minutes
154.1 Community Committee – 12.02.19

154.1-Community Minutes 12.02.19

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken and the following recommendations:

(R1) It was proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Brown and unanimously agreed that a meeting be arranged with Vanessa Griffiths, CWAC Regulatory Services Manager, to discuss CCTV provision and visit the central monitoring team in Chester

(R2) It was proposed by Cllr Oulton, seconded by Cllr Lord Pennington and unanimously agreed to obtain quotes to improve accessibility to the Townfield Lane play area

(R3) It was proposed by Cllr Brown, seconded by Cllr Oulton and unanimously agreed that the Clerk sign Letter Agreement with CWAC for S106 monies designated to Townfield Lane play area

(R4) It was proposed by Cllr Brown, seconded by Cllr Aston and unanimously agreed to replace 5 hanging basket brackets with standard double brackets at a total cost of £390 with an option to purchase a further 3 if required.

(R5) It was proposed by Cllr Oulton, seconded by Cllr Brown and unanimously agreed to order an additional 100 bags of grit

(R6) It was proposed by Cllr Critchley, seconded by Cllr Brown and unanimously agreed to order replacement bulbs for the damaged Xmas lights

(R7) It was proposed by Cllr Oulton, seconded by Cllr Nield and unanimously agreed to wrap 3 trees (removing the existing lights in 1 tree) with cold white static illuminated LED mini bulbs.

154.2 Policy and Process Committee – 25.02.19

154.2-PP Minutes 25 02 19 (4)

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken and the following recommendations:

(R1) It was proposed by Cllr Lord Pennington, seconded by Cllr D Critchley and unanimously agreed to recommend to full Council that the Model Code of Financial Regulations (as circulated and amended) be adopted.

(EP1) It was proposed by Cllr Lord Pennington, seconded by Cllr Oulton and unanimously agreed to purchase Town Council designed software from Rialtas Business Solutions out of the ICT Budget at a cost of £1,599.00.

154.3 Planning Committee

154.3-Planning Minutes 12.02.19 (17)

154.3-Planning Minutes 05.03.19 (18)

To note the minutes of the meetings held on 12.02.19 & 5.03.19 and the decisions taken.

154.4 Environment Committee

154.4-Environment Minutes 05.03.19

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken and the following recommendations:

(R1) It was agreed that Cllr Jones and Martin will organize a litter pick for Saturday 23rd March and that Frodsham WI will also be involved.  Cllr Jones to confirm arrangements and the event will then be advertised on FTC website.

(R2) It was proposed by Cllr Oulton, seconded by Cllr Ashton and unanimously agreed to chain the gate to an area of Hawthorne Allotments shut to prevent access to dogs and reseed the damaged area.  Notice to be erected as to this effect.

155 Working Group Records
155.1 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 29.01.19, 4.02.19, 19.02.19, 4.03.19 & 19.03.19 if available.

15. NP Steering Group Meeting 29.01.19

155.2 World War 1 Working Group

To note the minutes of the meetings held on 13.02.19 and 13.03.19.



156 Model Finance Regulations

To resolve to formally adopt the regulations as recommended by the Policy and Process Committee.

156-Finance Regulations

157 Council Manager/Town Clerk Appointment

To note appointment of Jo O’Donoghue as Council Manager/Town Clerk from 1 April 2019 and approve job title.

157.1 To note report from Cllr J Critchley on the procedure followed for the above appointment.

157.1 Appointment of Clerk

157.2 To note Clerk’s attendance on burial training course to be held at Northwich Town Council Offices on 30th May 2019. At a cost of £130.00.
158 Hanging Baskets and Planters

To approve quotation from Northwich Town Council to fill and plant 49 hanging baskets, 14 lamppost baskets and bedding in the planters at Ship St, St Hilda’s Drive and Ashton Drive.  Summer and Winter bedding in planters to be provided.

159 Defibrillator

To note closure of Overton Village Store on 31st March 2019 and the necessity of relocating the existing defibrillator.

160 IT Report

To receive a report from the Clerk.

161 CCTV

To receive an update.

162 GDPR

To approve General Privacy Notice.

162-General Privacy Notice

163 CWAC

To receive a verbal report from CWAC Councillors.

164 Councillors’ Reports
164.a To receive reports from councillors who have attended meetings of external bodies.
164.b Other items for information.
164 Clerk’s Report – To note any information items.
165 Date of next meeting

20 May 2019
