Meeting 3 (2022/23)
3. FTC Meeting Agenda 26-09-2022
3. FTC Meeting Minutes 26-09-2022
39.Apologies for absence
- To receive apologies for absence
- To approve apologies for absence
40.Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda
41.Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
42.PCSO report
To receive a report from PCSO Neil Flanagan
43.Cheshire West and Chester Council elected councillors
To receive a report from councillors
44.Appointment to Committees
To appoint Cllr Lofts to Events Committee, Planning Committee and Amenities Committee
To appoint Cllr Ross to Amenities Committee.
45.Approval of Minutes
To approve and sign the minutes of the Annual Town Council Meeting held 25th July 2022.
2. FTC Meeting Minutes 25-07-2022
46.Book of Condolence
To note that Council’s Book of Condolence on the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II received 79 signatures. It was available at Frodsham Community Centre from Monday 12 September to Tuesday 20 September.
To note that, due to staff sickness, accounts for 1st July to 31 July are not available.
48.Memorial Path
- The works on site are progressing and are still on target to be completed before Remembrance Day. However, if bad weather or other factors delay completion, the contractors are aware that safe and tidy access will be required for the Remembrance Day service.
- The path has been closed with red barriers and footpath closed signs for safety reasons.
- The memorial benches have been removed but retained on site awaiting further instructions.
- Most of the edgings for the path are now in and the path stoned up – awaiting the topping
- The stone for the work around the memorial has been delivered to site
49.Ship Street Play Area
- Earthworks are well underway and are likely to be completed around the end of September.
- Seeding and planting carried out aiming for around the end of September.
50.Rural Market Towns Group
To decide whether to pay a token membership fee of £40 + VAT for continued membership of the Rural Market Towns Group for the remainder of the current financial year.
Membership of the Rural/Market Towns Group of the Rural Services Network was discussed by the Council in January 2020 when it was agreed that the Clerk would write to confirm the Council’s support. The Grouping operated free of charge during lockdown. We have now been asked to pay a token amount of £40 plus VAT to continue membership for the remainder of 2021/22.
51.Councillor Vacancies
- To note that there are two vacancies in Lakes Ward and two vacancies in Castle Park Ward
- Two enquiries have been made about co-option. One has decided not to progress at present, the other has only recently made contact
- To agree action to be taken.
52.Grant Scheme
To revise the timetable agreed at the Policy, Process and Revenues Committee as it has not been possible to meet the deadlines internally due to staffing issues and other work priorities.
53.Date of January 2023 Council Meeting
To note that the Council meeting in January 2023 will be on Monday 23 January, not 24 January, as stated in the calendar of meetings agreed at the Council meeting on 22 May 2022. This is in addition to the budget setting meeting on 9 January.
54.Clerk’s Report
- To receive an update from the clerk
- To agree any action to be taken
55.Exclusion of press and public
To resolve to exclude press and public from the meeting due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.