Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Meeting 4 (2022/23)

Due to a technical issue no audio recording is available for this meeting.

4. FTC Meeting Agenda 28-11-2022

4. FTC Meeting Minutes 28-11-2022

58  Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence.

59. Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest for items which are on the agenda.

60. Approval of Minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 26th September 2022.

60. FTC Meeting Minutes 26-09-2022

61. Requests from Members of the Public to Speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

62. Policing Report

To receive a report from PCSO Neil Flanagan.

63. Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillors

To receive a report from councillors.

64. Accounts

  • To approve and sign the Month 5 Accounts as presented (attached)
  • To approve and sign the Month 6 Accounts as presented (attached)
  • To approve and sign the Month 7 Accounts as presented (attached)

64. Month 5 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading

64. Month 5 Balance Sheet

64. Month 5 Receipts and Payments

64. Month 6 Detailed Balance Sheet

64. Month 6 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading

64. Month 6 Receipts and Payments

64. Month 7 Balance Sheet

64. Month 7 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading

64. Month 7 Receipts and Payments

65. Councillor Representative Vacancies

  • To appoint a Council representative to the Frodsham Youth Association (one vacancy)
  • To appoint a Council representative to the Frodsham Community Association (one vacancy)

66. Grant Scheme

(a) To accept and sign the meeting notes from the Grants Working Group meeting held on 9th November 2022.

(b) To approve the recommendation from the Grants Working Group, within the attached table, and award grants totalling £3443.00.

(c) To note the grants feedback information from the 2021 Grant Scheme.

66. (b) Report from 2022 Grants Working Group

66. (c) 2021 Grants Feedback

67. Pay Award 2022

To note the NJC Pay Award 2022 (approved nationally November 2022) and ratify staff salary adjustment in line with the increase.

67. LGS Pay 01Apr22

68. Ship Street Play Area

To receive the following update on the project:

There has been a delay caused by the late delivery of the play equipment ,as well as the wet weather conditions, and the works are now due to be completed by 16th December.

69.  Christmas Lighting

To approve the recommendation from Amenities Committee (14/11/2022) to accept the quotation from LITE Ltd to light three trees on Church Street (attached).

69. LITE FTC tree lighting quotation 28th Oct. 2022

70. Tree Planting at Memorial Hill

  • To review quotations received from the following companies, for planting, watering and maintenance of 7 Oak Trees at Memorial Hill, to replace trees lost during construction of the new path (attached).
  • To agree a way forward for supply, planting, maintenance and watering of seven oak trees.

Oak Tree Quotations {update 3}

71. Office Equipment

To approve the purchase of an additional office laptop to include supply and set up.

71. Dell laptop (Price comparison)

71. Quote Laptop Prism_Frodsham Town Council_24261

72. Clerk’s Report

To note that Frodsham Town Council office will close on 22nd December and reopen on

3rd January 2023.


73. Confidential Business

To resolve that under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded for the remainder of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of private and confidential information or staff matters.

74. Financial Report

To receive a report on a financial matter (report to follow).

75. Close of Meeting