Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Meeting 1 (2023/24)

1. FTCMeeting Agenda 22-05-23

1. FTC Meeting Minutes 22-05-23

1.    Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence.

2.    Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest for items which are on the agenda.

3.    Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 24th April 2023.

4.    Requests from members of the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

5.    Policing report

To receive a written report from PCSO Neil Flanagan.

6.    Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillors (Lucy Sumner & Mike Garvey)

To receive a report from councillors.

7.    Accounts

  1. To note that the expenditure in month 1 was £15,788.48 and the income was £35,4058.50 including the precept of £350,921.00.
  2. To note that the balance on the Co-op Instant Access account on 30th April 2023 was £25,442.63.
  3. To note that the balance on the Co-op Community account on 30th April 2023 was £387,597.86.
  4. To note that the balance on the CCLA account on 30th April was £81,689.84
  5. To approve and sign the Month 1 accounts.
  6. To appoint a councillor, other than the Chairman, to check bank statements against bank reconciliation reports (Frodsham Financial Standing Order 2.2).

7. Finance Report

8.    Training

  1. To note that the Clerk attended Procurement Training on Tuesday 16th
  2. To note the training courses provided by the Cheshire Association of Local Councils:
  3. To agree councillor attendance on training courses.

9.    Delegated authority

To approve delegated authority to spend up to £1,000 to hire skips and empty the cemetery building.

10. Lease arrangements

To note progress on the separation of the lease for Frodsham Community Association and Frodsham Youth Association.

11. Meeting dates

  1. To note that the Annual Town Meeting will take place on Monday 22nd May at 6.30pm.
  2. To note that the Annual Town Council Meeting will take place on Monday 22nd May at 7pm.

12. Exclusion of press and public

To resolve to exclude members of the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960,s.1(2))

13. Frodsham Market Charter

To note progress in respect of the Market Charter.

14. Close of Meeting

15. Signed:        J O’Donoghue (Town Clerk)                     Date:  17th May 2023