Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2023/24)

Meeting Pack 25-09-2023

4. FTC Meeting Minutes 27-11-2023

1.     Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence.

2.     Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest in items which are on the agenda.

3.     Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 25th September 2023.

4.     Standing Orders

To resolve to suspend Standing Orders for items 5, 6, 7 and 8 to enable representatives from Cheshire Police, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Cheshire Fire and Rescue and members of the public to take part.

5.     Policing report

  1. To receive a written report from PCSO Neil Flanagan. Document circulated prior to the meeting.
  2. To welcome PC to the meeting to answer any queries from Frodsham Town Council.

6.     Cheshire Fire and Rescue

  1. To welcome representatives from Cheshire Fire and Rescue
  2. To note the current consultation from Cheshire Fire and Rescue:

7.     Requests from members of the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.

8.     Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillors (Lucy Sumner & Mike Garvey)

To note written report from councillors.

9.     Standing Orders

To resolve to reinstate Standing Orders for the following items:

10.  Accounts

  1. To note the expenditure in month 7 was £25,570.62.
  2. To note the income was £54,473.75 which included a transfer of £50,000 from the CCLA account.
  3. To note that the balance on the Co-op Instant Access account on 31st October 2023 was £25,442.63.
  4. To note that the balance on the Co-op Community account on 31st October 2023 was £65,475.37.
  5. To note that the balance on the CCLA account on 31st October 2023 was £187,113.97 which included a transfer to the Co-op Community account.
  6. To approve and sign the Month 7 reports pack which includes all income and expenditure. Document circulated prior to the meeting.
  7. To approve a councillor to check November 2023 bank statements against September bank reconciliation reports on a date to be agreed in December 2023. (Frodsham Financial Standing Order 2.2).

11.  Virements

  1. To approve a virement of £200 from budget code 4700 (Town Meetings) to budget code 4731 (Care in the Community) to enable provision of Christmas cakes to Frodsham care homes.
  2. To approve a virement of £4,000 from budget code 4759 (Royal Events) which is underspent by £4,000 and £320 from code 4720 (Remembrance Day) which is underspent by £400, to cover the cost of the road closure and additional clean-up costs following the Christmas Festival.

12.  Committee vacancy

  1. To note that there is a vacancy on the Amenities Committee following the resignation of Cllr Sumner due to Cheshire West and Chester Council commitments.
  2. To appoint a councillor to the Amenities Committee.

13.  Grants Scheme

  1. To receive a report from the Grants Working Group.
  2. To approve the recommendations of the Grants Working Group.

14.  Plastic Free Frodsham

To accept the recommendation from the Amenities Committee to sign up to the scheme.

15.  Climate & Ecology Bill 2023

To ratify the decision of the Amenities Committee to support the Climate & Ecology Bill 2023.

16.  Neighbourhood Plan Designations

To approve the following green spaces being included in the Frodsham Neighbourhood Plan for designation:  Ashton Drive Allotments, Kingsway Allotments, London Road Allotments, Crowmere Lake, Marshlands Tree Garden, Red Lion Bowling green, Tarvin Road cemetery; the Community Orchards at Ship Street, Churchfields & Hawthorne Road; Manley Road Copse, Marl Pits Wildlife area; Park Lane Play area, Top Road Play area, London Road Playing field, Community Centre field, Green Gates Community Park and the route of the Pond Trail.

17.  Away Day 5th October 2023

  1. To note the report provided by Cllr Hayes.
  2. To agree actions to be taken.

18.  GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018)

  1. To note that a subject access request (SAR) has been received covering the period 1/01/2023 to 21/11/2023 and the request must lawfully be responded to by 21/12/2023.
  2. To note that the Clerk has received support from the Information Commissioner’s Office in relation to the request.
  3. To note that the Clerk has requested support from Prism to comply with the request which requires access to ex councillor, current councillor and employee email accounts from 1/01/2023 to 21/11/2023.
  4. To note that the Clerk will log time spent on the request and provide a report to FTC at the next full council meeting to be held on 22nd

19.  Pay agreement

To note that the National Joint Council for Local Government Services has reached agreement on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.  For all spinal points to 43 the agreed award was a flat rate payment of £1,925. For scale points above that the award is 3.88%.

20.  Close of Meeting