Agenda – Meeting 2 (2024/25)
Full Council Meeting Pack 22-07-2024
FTC Meeting Minutes 22-07-2024
1. Apologies for Absence
To approve apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of interest
To note that councillor declarations of interest must be received within 28 days of election to office.
3. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
To note the report from PCSO N Flanagan (included in meeting pack).
5. Cheshire West and Chester Councillors
To note the report from Cllr M Garvey and Cllr L Sumner (included in meeting pack).
6. Finance report
- To note that the income in June 2024 was £13,976.81 which included a non-domestic rates refund from the cemetery of £10,676.75.
- To note that the expenditure in June 2024 was £16,100.72.
- To note that the sum of all accounts as at 30th June 2024 was £471,064.
- To approve the monthly Finance Report.
- To note that the bank reconciliation checks as at 30th June 2024 were checked to bank statements and cashbook by Cllr Holman.
- To appoint a councillor to carry out the bank reconciliation checks as at 30th June 2024.
- To agree the bank mandate and approved signatories.
7. Minutes
To approve the minutes from the Annual Meeting held 20/05/2024.
8. Standing Orders
To approve the Standing Orders as recommended by F&GP Committee ref: F&GP/24/06/2024/9.
9. Financial Regulations
To approve the Financial Regulations as recommended by F&GP Committee ref: F&GP/24/06/2024/10.
10.Risk Assessment
To resolve to adopt the annual risk assessment as proposed by the F&GP Committee ref: F&GP/26/02/2024/9a.
11.Terms of reference for working groups
- To approve the ToR for Remembrance Garden WG
- To approve the ToR for Active Travel WG
- To approve the ToR for Climate Action WG
- To approve the ToR for Christmas Street Lighting WG
- To approve the ToR for the Promoting Frodsham WG
To approve the recommendation from Amenities Committee to put the £10,676.75 refund from NDR into the ear marked reserves for the cemetery ref: AM/13/05/2024/5g.
13.Frodsham Festival of Walks 2024
- To note that the group provided a report to the Finance & General Purposes Committee ref: F&GP/24/06/2024/13, requesting FTC to fund the £2,486.60 shortfall in funds for the 2024 event.
- To note that the FFoW group had set a budget of £11,282 including £2,000 from Frodsham Town Council and £7,000 from the Marshes Benefit Fund.
- To receive a report from Cllr Hayes following a meeting with a representative of the group.
- To agree action to be taken.
14.Frodsham Community Association
- To note the vote of thanks to Cllr Lofts for his support over the past year from Frodsham Community Association.
- To appoint a representative to the Association.
15.Away Day
To agree a date and venue for an away day week beginning 16th September 2024.
To note that the notice for the current vacancy for Waterside Ward under Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 was issued on 17/07/2024 with a deadline of 14 days (from the date of the notice) for 10 electors from the Waterside Ward to call for an election (not including Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays).
- To note the request from Hynet to meet with councillors via Zoom.
- To agree a date for the meeting.
18.Frodsham Solar
- To note the request from Cubico to meet with councillors to discuss the solar project.
- To agree a date for the meeting.
19.Clerk’s report
To receive any further updates.
20.Next Meeting – 23rd September 2024
To note that the cut-off date for agenda items is Monday 16th September 2024.