Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2017/18)

The meeting will be preceded at 6.45pm by the Junior Mayor Investiture – a short session to introduce the new Junior Mayors and to thank the retiring ones.

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 25.09.17 (5)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 25.09.17 (5)


No Item
86 Apologies
87 Declarations of Interest
88 Minutes of the Meeting No 4 – 24 July 2017

To approve and sign as a true record.

4. FTC Minutes 24.07.17 (4)

89 Michael Evans, Chief Inspector Chester LPU

To discuss the consultation on Frodsham Police Station.

90 Police Station Consultation

To discuss plans to move the Police into the Fire Station and agree a response.

91 Right for the public to speak
91.1 PCSO
91.2 Mrs P Scott – Annual Town Meeting & Bus Shelters
91.3 Mr M Garvey – Unconventional Extraction of Oil and Gas Working Group
91.4 Mr D Whyte on Behalf of Frodsham and District Taxis Frodsham – Private Hire Parking Spaces
92 Finance Management:  01.07.17 – 31.08.17 – To note the finance report.

92. Finance Report – July & August 17

92.1 Paid Expenditure

To note the total expenditure in July & August 2017 was £27,022.99 (£13,080.31 & £13,942.68).

92.2 Received Income

To note the total receipts in July & August 2017 was £21,053.65 (£16,565.32 & £4,488.33).

92.3 Bank Reconciliation

To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of August 2017 were £399,230.12.

93 Finance Management: 01.05.17 – 30.06.17

To note the Finance Report, presented at the last meeting, which has been amended to correct salary figure in the monthly sheet and now includes detailed expenditure figures for May.

93. Re-issued Finance Report – May & June 17

94 Committee Minutes
94.1a Environment Committee – 1.08.17

To note the meeting was cancelled as it was inquorate.

94.1b Environment Committee – 5.09.17

Environment Minutes 05.09.17 (3)

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1       That the Council votes without further delay on the proposal that “Frodsham Town Council objects to the carrying out of shale gas or coal methane testing or extraction in the greater Frodsham area until the Town Council is convinced of the safety of the process and that the risk of adverse environmental impacts has been fully addressed.”

94.2a P&P Committee – 14.08.17

To note the meeting was cancelled as there was insufficient business to transact.

94.2b P&P Committee – 11.09.17

P&P Minutes 11.09.17 (3)

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendations:

R1       To commission the Valuation Office Agency to revalue FTC’s land at Ship Street at a cost of £1,500+VAT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Poulton and Pennington.

R2       To renew the 3-year Service Contract for the Town Clock at £621+VAT; the Church Street clock is not covered by the service contract and is difficult to access. Ad hoc arrangements will be made for repair should it fail – proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and F Pennington.

R3       To set up an Events Committee with its own budget – proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Poulton.

R4       To increase the Administrative Officer’s working time by three hours a week for work on the Council website at an annual cost of £1799.73, subject to review after one year – proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Poulton.

R5       To purchase two replacement laptops @ £1,889.63+VAT.  This price comprises £619.23+VAT each for the laptops, £16.68+VAT for a USB DVD drive, 4 years’ on-site warranty, delivery and half a day on-site technical support to set up the laptops and transfer software and data – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Poulton and Pennington.

R6       Due to the age, condition and extremely low mileage of the existing 2-year-old leased Council van, to purchase it at the end of the lease period at a one-off cost of £8,675+VAT, subject to the TC investigating whether any discount is available on the quoted price – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Pennington and Poulton.

R7       To approve and accept the Annual Return, including the External Auditor’s Certificate – proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Poulton.

94.2b R7. Conclusion of Audit Notice

94.2b R7. External Audit Certificate

R8       To enter into a 3-year contract for Internal Auditor services @ £488+VAT per annum – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Pennington and Poulton.

R9       To request a grant from the Police & Crime Commissioner for £5,000 towards the cost of CCTV in the Town Centre – proposed and seconded by Cllrs J Critchley and Pennington.

R10     To set up a working group with CWAC councillors, PCSO and other interested parties to design and cost the CCTV system – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Pennington and Poulton.

94.3a Community Committee – 15.08.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

3. Community Minutes 15.08.17

94.3b Community Committee – 19.09.17

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken & agree any recommendations.

Community Committee Minutes 19.09.17 (4)

94.4a Planning Committee – 31.07.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

3. Planning Minutes 31.07.17 (3)

94.4b Planning Committee – 14.08.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

4. Planning Minutes 14.08.17 (4)

94.4c Planning Committee – 25.09.17

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Planning Committee Minutes 25.09.17 (5) TABLED

94.5 Cemetery Committee

To note the next meeting is planned for 6 October

95 Working Group Records
95.1 WW1 Commemorative Working Group

To note minutes of the Working Group meetings held on 16.08.17 & 30.08.17.

3. WW1 Record 160817

4. WW1 Record 300817

95.2 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 27.07.17, 10.08.17, 25.08.17, 4.09.17 & 18.09.17.

4. NP Steering Group Meeting 27.07.17

5. NP Steering Group Meeting 10.08.17

6. NP Steering Group Meeting 21.08.17

7. NP Steering Group Meeting 04.09.17

8. NP Steering Group Meeting 18.09.17

96 Office Accommodation – To receive an update and agree any actions.
97 Annual Town Meeting
97.1 To review the arrangements for 2017.

97.1. ATM Review

97.2 To discuss and agree arrangements for 2018.
98 Royal British Legion

To consider a request for a public apology.

99.1 CWAC Cllrs’ Report – to note.
99.2 CWAC Cllr Shore – To receive feedback from Cllr Shore’s visit to Salt Works.
99.3 Electoral Review Of Cheshire West And Chester: Draft Recommendations – To note the consultation period ends on 6 November and agree any actions.

99.3. Boundary_Review_CW-and-C_draft-recommendations

100 Private Hire Parking Spaces

To discuss support for the proposal for parking spaces and agree actions.

101 CHALC Annual Meeting – 19 October 2017

To agree representatives to attend the Annual Meeting.

102 Bus Shelter Challenge

To discuss the idea of a competition and agree FTC’s involvement in the working group being set up by Mrs P Scott.

103 Chair’s Report – To note
104 Mayor’s Report – To note.
105 Clerk’s Report – To note any information items.
106 Date of next meeting – Monday 27 November 2017
