Agenda – Meeting 11 (2017/18)
Frodsham Town Council Agenda 26.03.18 (11)
Frodsham Town Council Minutes 26.03.18 (11)
No | Item |
167 | Apologies |
168 | Declarations of Interest |
169 | Frodsham Youth Association
To receive a report from Frodsham Youth Association. |
170 | Minutes of the Meeting No 10 – 22 January 2018
To approve and sign as a true record. |
171 | Right for the public to speak |
171.1 | PCSO |
171.2 | Other |
172 | Finance Management: 01.01.18 – 28.02.17 – To note the finance report. |
172.1 | Paid Expenditure
To note the total expenditure in January & February 2018 was £51,897.37 (£16,369.86 & £35,527.51). |
172.2 | Received Income
To note the total receipts in in January & February 2018 was £8,985.24 (£8,173.44 & £811.80) |
172.3 | Bank Reconciliation
To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of February 2018 were £261.600.61. |
173 | Committee Minutes |
173.1a | Planning Committee – 22.01.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.1b | Planning Committee – 1.02.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.1c | Planning Committee –20.02.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.1d | Planning Committee –5.03.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.1e | Planning Committee –19.03.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.2a | Events Extraordinary Committee – 1.02.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.2b | Events Committee – 13.03.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.3 | Cemetery Committee – 2.02.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.4a | Environment Extraordinary Committee – 6.02.18
To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken. |
173.4b | Environment Committee – 6.03.18
To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1. To agree a strapline saying “Gateway to the Sandstone Ridge” should be added to the town boundary signs at a total cost of £1,067.54+£35 delivery + VAT, shared equally with the Sandstone Ridge Trust, proposed and seconded by Cllrs P Martin and F Sutton. |
173.5 | P&P Committee – 12.02.18
To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1. To agree that the Finance Scrutiny Sub-committee should be disbanded as its work can be adequately performed at P&P. R2. To formally note the results of the Interim Internal Audit and the actions agreed. R3. The revised Asset Register should be approved. |
173.6 | Community Committee – 20.02.18
To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation: R1. It was agreed to recommend to council that a conservation-accredited professional advisor (WMT grant requirement) should be appointed @ £6,484+VAT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and L Brown. |
174 | Asset Management Strategy
To review the Asset Management Strategy and agree any updates. |
175 | Risk Assessment
To review the Risk Assessment and agree any update. |
176 | Working Group Records |
176.1 | WW1 Commemorative Working Group |
176.1a | To note minutes of the Working Group meetings held on 17.01.18, 14.02.18 & 14.03.18. |
176.1b | To confirm and approve the level of funding to Castle Park Arts Centre Trust towards the costs of the WW1 Commemoration Working Group’s activities in 2018-19. |
176.2 | Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group |
176.2a | To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 29.01.18, 5.02.18, 19.02.18, 5.03.18 & 19.03.18
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 29.01.18 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 05.02.18 (17) Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 19.02.18 (18) |
176.2b | To confirm and approve the budget towards the costs of Steering Group’s activities in 2018-19. |
177 | CWAC
To receive a verbal report from CWAC Councillors. |
178 | Frodsham Youth Association
To receive a report and confirm the level of funding to FYA for 2018/19. |
179 | General Data Protection Regulation |
179.1 | To receive an update on the new regulations. |
179.2 | To note NALC have produced a GDPR Toolkit and agree to set up a working group to look in detail at the toolkit and to implement the suggested action plan to ensure compliance with the new legislation. |
179.3 | To note that TC has received 2 quotations for the provision of DPO services and is waiting for a third. |
180 | Intention to sell Ship Street Land |
180.1 | To note the public notice was published in the Standard for 2 consecutive weeks starting on Thursday 8 February. |
180.2 | To note the number and type of responses received and to agree actions. |
181 | Council Management and Administration
To discuss a proposal by Cllr Reynolds to reorganise how the council operates and agree any actions. |
182 | Mayor’s Report – To note. |
183 | Clerk’s Report – To note any information items. |
184 | Date of next meeting – Monday 21 May 2018 |