Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 11 (2017/18)

Frodsham Town Council Agenda 26.03.18 (11)

Frodsham Town Council Minutes 26.03.18 (11)


No Item
167 Apologies
168 Declarations of Interest
169 Frodsham Youth Association

To receive a report from Frodsham Youth Association.

170 Minutes of the Meeting No 10 – 22 January 2018

To approve and sign as a true record.

FTC Minutes 22.01.18 (10)

171 Right for the public to speak
171.1 PCSO
171.2 Other
172 Finance Management:  01.01.18 – 28.02.17 – To note the finance report.

172. Finance Report – March 18

172.1 Paid Expenditure

To note the total expenditure in January & February 2018 was £51,897.37 (£16,369.86 & £35,527.51).

172.2 Received Income

To note the total receipts in in January & February 2018 was £8,985.24 (£8,173.44 & £811.80)

172.3 Bank Reconciliation

To note that, after all considerations total cash balances at the end of February 2018 were £261.600.61.

173 Committee Minutes
173.1a Planning Committee – 22.01.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Planning Committee Minutes 22.01.18 (12)

173.1b Planning Committee – 1.02.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Planning Committee Minutes 01.02.18 (13)

173.1c Planning Committee –20.02.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Planning Committee Minutes 20.02.17 (14)

173.1d Planning Committee –5.03.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Planning Committee Minutes 05.03.17 (15)

173.1e Planning Committee –19.03.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Planning Committee Minutes 19.03.17 (16)

173.2a Events Extraordinary Committee – 1.02.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Extraordinary Events Committee Minutes 1.02.18

173.2b Events Committee – 13.03.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Events Committee Minutes 13.03.18

173.3 Cemetery Committee – 2.02.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Cemetery Committee Minutes 2.02.18 (3)

173.4a Environment Extraordinary Committee – 6.02.18

To note the minutes of the meeting and the decisions taken.

Environment Committee Minutes 06.02.18

173.4b Environment Committee – 6.03.18

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1. To agree a strapline saying “Gateway to the Sandstone Ridge” should be added to the town boundary signs at a total cost of £1,067.54+£35 delivery + VAT, shared equally with the Sandstone Ridge Trust, proposed and seconded by Cllrs P Martin and F Sutton.

Environment Committee Minutes 06.03.18

173.5 P&P Committee – 12.02.18

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1.      To agree that the Finance Scrutiny Sub-committee should be disbanded as its work can be adequately performed at P&P.

R2.      To formally note the results of the Interim Internal Audit and the actions agreed.


R3.      The revised Asset Register should be approved.

Policy & Process Minutes 12 02 18 (7)

173.6 Community Committee – 20.02.18

To note the minutes of the meeting, the decisions taken and the following recommendation:

R1. It was agreed to recommend to council that a conservation-accredited professional advisor (WMT grant requirement) should be appointed @ £6,484+VAT – proposed and seconded by Cllrs Lord F Pennington and L Brown.

Community Committee Minutes 20.02.18

174 Asset Management Strategy

To review the Asset Management Strategy and agree any updates.

174. 180326 Asset Management

175 Risk Assessment

To review the Risk Assessment and agree any update.

175. Risk Register 2018 – 19

176 Working Group Records
176.1 WW1 Commemorative Working Group
176.1a To note minutes of the Working Group meetings held on 17.01.18, 14.02.18 & 14.03.18.

176.1a WW1 Record 180117

176.1a WW1 Record 140218

176.1 WW1 Record 140318

176.1b To confirm and approve the level of funding to Castle Park Arts Centre Trust towards the costs of the WW1 Commemoration Working Group’s activities in 2018-19.
176.2 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
176.2a To note minutes of the Steering Group meetings held on 29.01.18, 5.02.18, 19.02.18, 5.03.18 & 19.03.18

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 29.01.18

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 05.02.18 (17)

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 19.02.18 (18)

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 5.03.18 (19)

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 19.03.18 (20)

176.2b To confirm and approve the budget towards the costs of Steering Group’s activities in 2018-19.
177 CWAC

To receive a verbal report from CWAC Councillors.

178 Frodsham Youth Association

To receive a report and confirm the level of funding to FYA for 2018/19.

178. FYA Report to FTC 2017-18

178. FYA Report to FTC 2017-18 budget

179 General Data Protection Regulation
179.1 To receive an update on the new regulations.
179.2 To note NALC have produced a GDPR Toolkit and agree to set up a working group to look in detail at the toolkit and to implement the suggested action plan to ensure compliance with the new legislation.

179.2 NALC GDPR Toolkit – February 2018

179.3 To note that TC has received 2 quotations for the provision of DPO services and is waiting for a third.
180 Intention to sell Ship Street Land
180.1 To note the public notice was published in the Standard for 2 consecutive weeks starting on Thursday 8 February.
180.2 To note the number and type of responses received and to agree actions.
181 Council Management and Administration

To discuss a proposal by Cllr Reynolds to reorganise how the council operates and agree any actions.

182 Mayor’s Report – To note.
183 Clerk’s Report – To note any information items.
184 Date of next meeting – Monday 21 May 2018
