Agenda – Meeting 7 (2021/22)
7. FTC Agenda 10-01-2022
7. FTC Minutes 10-01-2022
93.Apologies for absence
To receive apologies
94.Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda.
95.Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:
96.Scheme of Delegation
To note the Scheme of Delegation approved 18/03/2020 to enable Frodsham Town Council to continue to operate in the absence of face to face meetings.
97.Budget/Precept report
To note report provided by the Town Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer.
98.Budget 2022-2023
To approve the budget recommendations as detailed in the Budget/Precept report (item 97):
- Policy Process and Revenue Committee
- Events Committee
- Amenities Committee
- Cemetery budget
99.Precept 2022-2023
To approve the precept request for 2022-2023
100.Date of next meeting – 24th January 2022
101.Close of meeting