Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 3 (2023/24)

FTC Meeting Pack 25-09-2023

3. FTCMeeting Minutes 25-09-23

1.     Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence.

2.     Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest in items which are on the agenda.

3.     Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 24th July 2023

4.     Standing Orders

To resolve to suspend Standing Orders for items 5, 6 and 7 to enable representatives from Cheshire Police, Cheshire West and Chester Council and members of the public to take part.

5.     Policing report

  1. To receive a written report from PCSO Neil Flanagan. Document circulated prior to the meeting.
  2. To welcome Sergeant James Dingsdale to the meeting to answer any queries from Frodsham Town Council.

6.     Requests from members of the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.

7.     Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillors (Lucy Sumner & Mike Garvey)

To note written report from councillors.

8.     Standing Orders

To resolve to reinstate Standing Orders for the following items:

9.     Accounts

  1. To note the expenditure in month 5 was £149,154.46, £125,751.94 of which was spent on the refurbishment of Green Gates Community Park.
  2. To note the income was £1,995.26.
  3. To note that the balance on the Co-op Instant Access account on 31st August 2023 was £25,442.63.
  4. To note that the balance on the Co-op Community account on 31st August 2023 was £33,561.63.
  5. To note that the balance on the CCLA account on 31st August 2023 was £253,128.83
  6. To approve and sign the Month 5 reports pack which includes all income and expenditure. Document circulated prior to the meeting.
  7. To note that Cllr Lowrie checked the accounts to the bank reconciliation statements on 14th September and that no discrepancies were reported.
  8. To approve a councillor to check September 2023 bank statements against September bank reconciliation reports on a date to be agreed in October 2023. (Frodsham Financial Standing Order 2.2).

10.  Local Council Awards Scheme

To note that Frodsham Town Council has been awarded the Foundation Award and continues to work towards the next level demonstrating the commitment towards continued improvement for the benefit of the community of Frodsham.

11.  Councillor’s Allowances

To note the following:

  • Frodsham Town Council makes no provision for allowances.
  • Frodsham Town Council makes provision for reimbursement of expenses approved (in advance) of expenditure.
  • Members attending training courses or other events which the Council has requested they attend as the Council’s representative(s) will have their travel expenses reimbursed.
  • Mileage will be reimbursed according to the HMRC approved rates which currently stands at 45p/mile. Councillors are advised to check with their insurers as to whether they are covered for travel on council business.
  • The Council accepts no liability for any accident, loss, damage or claim arising out of any journey that you make on council business.

12.  Policies

To approve the following policies as recommended by NALC:

  • Document Retention & Disposal Scheme
  • Community Engagement Policy
  • Equality & Diversity Policy

13.  Artisan Market

To note that discussions are continuing with Northern Markets to hold an Artisan Market on the last Saturday of every month starting from February 2024 in association with Independent Street.

14.  Promoting Frodsham

  1. To note the report provided by Cllr H Hayes
  2. To agree action to be taken

15.  Community Speedwatch

  1. To consider and approve Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Community Speedwatch initiative and requirements.
  2. To note that 2 residents have expressed an interest in reinstating a Community Speedwatch Group using the speed gun purchased by Frodsham Town Council.
  3. To consider further action to be taken.

16.  Frodsham Town Council Away Day

To receive a report from Cllr H Hayes and agree date for the meeting.

17.  Clerk’s report

18.  Close of Meeting