Agenda – Meeting 4 (2018/19)
Planning Committee Agenda 30.07.18 (4)
Planning Committee Minutes 30.07.18 (4)
No | Item | ||||||
24 | Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance. |
25 | Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest. |
26 | Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 July 2018
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record. |
27 | Opportunity for Public to Speak | ||||||
28 | Planning Applications | ||||||
28.1 | To consider the applications listed below. | ||||||
Reference | Address | Description | |||||
18/02477/FUL | 32 Townfield Lane, Frodsham | Proposed extension to kitchen, first floor bedroom and bathroom | |||||
18/02570/FUL & 18/02574/LBC | Building and Land Forming Part of Five Crosses Farm, Watery Lane, Frodsham | Conversion of listed outbuilding into one dwelling and extend existing first floor access staircase and landing area | |||||
18/02560/FUL | Erindale Mews Carriage Drive, Frodsham | Part single storey and part two storey extension to front and side | |||||
18/02593/CAT | Rock Cottage 59A High Street, Frodsham | Fell sycamore which is causing shading to an adjacent house and causing blockages in the gutters during the autumn leaf fall. Any boundary gap created will be planted with holly or similar, to match existing surrounding shrubs | |||||
18/02559/FUL | 65 Howey Lane, Frodsham | Two storey and single storey rear extension together with associated landscaping | |||||
18/02611/TPO | 18 Hillfield, Frodsham | Fell oak tree – the tree is struggling, it has been missing bark for some years, has many snap outs and is partially dead with very little canopy above it. It also hangs over a public footpath | |||||
18/02625/FUL | Land adjacent to Church House Farm Church Road, Frodsham | A new build three bedroom detached dwelling constructed. Variation of planning approval numbers 16/01202/FUL and 16/01203/LBC. | |||||
18/02481/FUL | Electricity Substation Sutton Causeway, Sutton, Frodsham | Replacement of existing office and welfare unit | |||||
18/02686/FUL | 19 Wayford Close, Frodsham | Single storey extension to rear of property | |||||
28.2 | To note the decisions taken since 10 July 2018 by the Unitary Council. | ||||||
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision | |||
06-Jul-18 | 18/01785/FUL | The Paddocks Manley Road, Frodsham | Change of use of part of field to provide stable and hardstanding | Approval, see note below which relates to FTC comments | |||
The Planning Officer’s report states: “The existing field access is to be utilised, with the applicant stating it has good visibility splays in either direction. The parish council however consider the visibility splays are poor, and repositioning of the access could help. On assessment of the proposal, the access is existing and appears acceptable. Given the level of activity likely the development is not considered to result in a severe impact on the highway network.” |
13-Jul-18 | 18/01978/FUL | 43 Netherton Drive, Frodsham | Single storey side/rear extension with associated alterations | Approval | |||
13-Jul-18 | 18/01649/FUL | Morrisons 10 – 16 High Street, Frodsham | External works to car park entrances and re-location of refrigeration plant | Approval, see note below which relates to FTC comments | |||
The Planning Officer’s report states: “It is intended to remove an area of cobbles which are on the High Street access road and replace them with tarmac. During the winter months, vehicles turning into the car park from the High Street are sliding on the cobbles, causing a hazard to pedestrians and other vehicles. Given the site is located within the Conservation Area, it was considered to retain some of the cobbles at the point where the access road meets the High Street and the plans have been amended to reflect this.””The highway officer has considered the proposals and raises no objections. However, he points out that some of the cobbles are likely to form part of highway land so they can’t be removed without first discussing with the Councils Area Highways Office and getting their consent. A note can be added to any permission to this effect.” |
19-Jul-18 | 18/02067/FUL | 24 St Lawrence Road, Frodsham | Loft conversion with rear facing skylights and side facing landing window | Approval, see note below which relates to FTC comments | |||
FTC recommended approval, subject to the Planning Officers being satisfied that the privacy of the neighbouring property is not adversely affected. The conditions include:
“The window on the side elevation of the development hereby approved shall be non-opening below 1.7 metres (when measured above internal floor level) and glazed wholly with obscured glass to a minimum Pilkington Privacy Level 3 or equivalent to and thereafter maintained in that condition and glazed with obscure glass to a minimum Pilkington Privacy Level 3 and thereafter maintained in that condition. No other windows or other openings shall be introduced on the above-mentioned elevations without the express consent in writing of the local planning authority.”
“Reason. To safeguard the privacy of both the occupants of adjacent properties and of the development hereby approved, to protect the amenities of people living nearby.” |
29 | Date of next meetings
Tuesday 14 August at 6.30pm (prior to Community Committee meeting) at Castle Park House. |