Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2017/18)

Planning Committee Agenda 4.09.18 (6)

Planning Committee Minutes 04.09.18 (6)


No Item
38 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

39 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

40 Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 August 2018

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

5. Planning Committee Minutes 14.08.18 (5)

41 Opportunity for Public to Speak
42 Reporting Public Comments Submitted to CWAC Planning Website

To consider and agree action on a suggestion from a resident that the CWAC Planning website is checked on the day of the Planning Committee meeting and that any public comments are considered by the Committee as part of their deliberations.

43 Planning Applications
43.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference Address Description
18/02922/CAT Cave Cottage 40 High Street, Frodsham The Garden of Cave cottage has become overgrown and over crowded with self-seeded saplings. We intend to remove the larger trees of 1 x Oak, 3 x
Robinia, 1 x Alder, 1 x Gletitsia, 3 x Birch and many Maples within the boundary of the property. All of the boundary trees will remain and selected saplings consisting Beech, Oak, Hornbeam, Gletitsia and Maples encouraged to flourish in place of those removed. a new hedge fronting the property onto High Street will be replanted
18/02975/CAT Higher Brockton, Red Lane, Frodsham 1 – Cherry – remove – the tree is an ivy clad unsightly mess with no aesthetic qualities.
2 – Lime – remove – the tree is diseased and over a public footpath and highway.
18/02983/REM 72A Townfield Lane, Frodsham Amendment to roof construction and external wall following applications 17/04455/OUT and 18/01182/REM
18/02959/FUL 2 Rosebank Bradley Lane, Frodsham Single storey rear and side extension
18/03190/FUL 36 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Demolition of existing extension and erection of single storey replacement extension
18/03184/FUL 51 Park Lane, Frodsham Demolition of existing single storey extension and erection of single storey rear extension. Widening existing driveway with permeable surface
43.2 To note the decisions taken since 10 July 2018 by the Unitary Council.
Date Reference Address Description Decision
08-Aug-18 18/02371/FUL 14 Hillsboro Avenue, Frodsham Single storey rear extension Approval
14-Aug-18 18/01510/LBC The Bears Paw Hotel 127 Main Street, Frodsham Internal and external alterations and redecoration Approval
14-Aug-18 18/02308/FUL The Holt Tarvin Road, Frodsham Proposed demolition of existing sunroom, utility, coal shed and covered way. Construction single storey link extension between the house and bungalow and a veranda. Approval
16-Aug-18 18/02481/FUL Electricity Substation Sutton Causeway Sutton, Frodsham Replacement of existing office and welfare unit Approval
20-Aug-18 18/01731/FUL 123B Main Street, Frodsham Extension to existing property and conversion to form three apartments Approval
44 Planning Appeal

To note the following appeal to be considered by the Planning Inspectorate and decide whether to make comments or modify the Town Council’s previous lack of objections.

18/00052/REF Land Adjacent to Simons Delf Simons Lane, Frodsham
Refurbishment of existing single storey garage to create one additional dwelling adjacent to Simons Delf.

45 Date of next meetings

Tuesday 11 September at 6.15pm (prior to Events Committee meeting) at Castle Park House.

Monday 24 September at 6.30pm (prior to Council meeting) at Castle Park House
