Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 17 (2018/19)

Planning Committee Agenda 12.02.19 (17)

Planning Committee Minutes 12.02.19 (17)


No Item
110 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

111 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

112 Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 January 2019

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Planning Committee Minutes 21.01.19 (16)

113 Opportunity for Public to Speak
114 Planning Applications
114.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference Address Description
18/03474/OUT Hempgill 19 Carriage Drive, Frodsham Erection of one dwelling

This application was considered by the Planning Committee on 24 September and 12 November and the Committee had no objections to the proposals. Once again amended plans have been submitted and so the application is being represented for further consideration.

19/00119/FUL 11 Bradley Lane,Frodsham Single storey side extension and remodel of the drive way
19/00024/FUL 68 Grasmere Road, Frodsham Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension
18/04902/FUL 10 Overton Drive, Frodsham Two storey side extension
19/00069/FUL 1 Greenside Avenue, Frodsham Single storey side and front extension
19/00099/CAT 13 Ashley Gardens Marsh Lane, Frodsham Willow – Fell as too large for where it is and will be affecting the wall between Brookside and Ashley gardens in time
19/00128/CAT The Coach House Vicarage Lane, Frodsham 2 x Leylandii – remove as they are unsightly and too large. 2 x Euc – remove. Suppressed by Leylandii and won’t survive the pressures if Leylandii removed. Yew – reduced by 10% to maintain shape. Scots Pine – remove due to size and location.
18/04884/FUL 73 Fluin Lane, Frodsham Erection of new garage, installation of automated gates, replacement garden walls and re-levelling of driveway – amendment to application 17/05400/FUL

Note that a previous Application 17/05400/FUL for “Proposed new garage, proposed new garden walls and re-levelling of driveway for improved access. Proposed removal of existing trees as indicated, replacement hedge proposed” was considered by FTC Planning Committee on 22 January 2018 and there were no objections.

19/00086/FUL Hover Force Activity Centre Straight Length, Frodsham Construction of a storage building for machinery and activity equipment
19/00205/FUL & 19/00206/LBC The Queens Head 92 Main Street, Frodsham Erection of freestanding pergola structure and artificial grass surfacing within yard/garden area of public house
114.2 To note the decisions taken since 1 January 2019 by the Unitary Council.
Date Reference Address Description Decision
29-Jan-19 18/02560/FUL Erindale Mews Carriage Drive, Frodsham Part single storey and part two storey extension to front and side Refusal (FTC had raised no objections)
29-Jan-19 18/04167/FUL 39 Langdale Way, Frodsham Single storey front extension Approval
30-Jan-19 18/04403/FUL Paddock View 3 Royleen Drive, Frodsham First floor rear extension Approval
04-Feb-19 18/04378/FUL 33 Park Lane Frodsham Two storey side extension and replacement single storey rear extension Approval
115 Date of next meeting

Tuesday 5 March 2019 at 6.30pm at Castle Park House (same day as Environment Committee).
