Agenda – Meeting 1 (2019/20)
Planning Committee Agenda 03.06.19 (1)
Planning Committee Minutes 03.06.19 (1)
No | Item | ||||||
1 | Election of the Chair
To elect the Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2020. |
2 | Election of the Vice Chair
To elect the Vice Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2020. |
3 | Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance. |
4 | Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest. |
5 | Minutes of the Meeting held on 29 April 2019
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record. |
6 | Opportunity for Public to Speak | ||||||
7 | Planning Applications | ||||||
7.1 | To consider the applications listed below. | ||||||
Reference | Address | Description | |||||
19/01096/FUL | Woodstone, Fieldway, Frodsham | Erection of detached dwelling – amendment to application 18/02625/FUL (addition of an orangery to the existing new build currently approved) | |||||
19/01327/FUL | 39 Howey Lane, Frodsham | Alterations to drive and rendering of whole dwelling | |||||
19/01708/CAT | Rock Cottage 59A High Street, Frodsham | Remove an Ash tree and an adjacent Black Locust Robinia. The tree roots have caused the collapse of the adjacent sandstone boundary wall belonging to St. Lukes Church. It is proposed to plant a Mountain Ash 2m inside the boundary to replace the Ash. | |||||
19/01501/FUL | 9A Maori Drive, Frodsham | Single storey rear extension | |||||
19/01483/FUL | 38 Park Lane, Frodsham | Two storey rear extension and porch to front | |||||
19/01466/FUL | 43 Silverdale Close, Frodsham | Two storey front extension | |||||
19/01526/FUL | 7 Haydan Mews, Godscroft Lane, Frodsham | Formation of External Doors, Removal of Chimney Stack and fitting of New Multi-Fuel Stove Flue | |||||
19/01581/FUL | 5 Red Lane, Frodsham | Part single, part two storey rear extension, single storey side extension and erection of detached garage | |||||
19/00489/FUL | 82 Church Street, Frodsham | Loft conversion with velux style windows in the roof and re-cladding of the exterior outhouse (amendment) | |||||
19/01619/FUL | 37 Fluin Lane, Frodsham | Demolition and erection of outbuilding | |||||
7.2 | To note the decisions taken since 18 April 2019 by the Unitary Council. | ||||||
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision | |||
23-May-19 | 19/00437/FUL | 7 Ennerdale Drive, Frodsham | Removal of existing flat roof and construction of pitched roof with roof lights | Approval | |||
28-May-19 | 19/00119/FUL | 11 Bradley Lane, Frodsham | Single storey side extension and remodel of the drive-way | Approval | |||
8 | Consultation events on proposed plastics to hydrogen facility at Protos
To note that Waste2Tricity is currently consulting on a planning application for this scheme and will be holding two community drop-in sessions at Elton Community Centre on:
9 | Date of next meeting
Monday 24 June 2019 at 6.30pm at Castle Park. |