Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2019/20)

Planning Committee Agenda 24.06.19 (2)

Planning Committee Minutes 24.06.19 (2)


No Item
10 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

11. Membership of the Committee

To note the resignation of Cllr Lord F Pennington from the Planning Committee and the appointment of Cllr B Stockton.

12 Deputy Chair

Following the resignation from the Committee of Cllr Lord Pennington, to elect the Deputy Chair to serve until the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2020.

13 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

14 Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 June 2019

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Planning Committee Minutes 03.06.19 (1)

15 Opportunity for Public to Speak
16 Planning Applications
16.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference Address Description
19/00489/FUL 82 Church Street, Frodsham Loft conversion with velux style windows in the roof and re-cladding of the exterior outhouse.


This application was discussed by this Committee on 3 June and there were no objections. However, the application has now been amended to “Loft conversion with velux style windows in the roof and demolition and re-build and cladding of the exterior outhouse”.

19/01721/FUL 8 Hawthorne Road, Frodsham Proposed detached garage and new gateway
19/01748/FUL 49 Hayes Crescent, Frodsham Erection of a new 1.8m high timber fence with a trellis to replace existing and retention of the Playhouse to the front
19/01536/FUL 57 Fairways, Frodsham Single storey rear extension, detached garage extension and front porch extension
19/02209/CAT 21 Howey Lane, Frodsham Birch 1: reduction through thin by 20%. Birches 2-9: remove. The trees have had their tops taken out previously and are looking rotten from the upper
limbs. They hold no aesthetic value, 3 of which are ivy smitten. There are younger trees underneath that would benefit from the birches being removed.
19/02050/FUL 38 Grasmere Road, Frodsham Single storey front and rear extension
16.2 To note the decisions taken since 28 May 2019 by the Unitary Council.
Date Reference Address Description Decision
29-May-19 19/00437/FUL 7 Ennerdale Drive, Frodsham Removal of existing flat roof and construction of pitched roof with roof lights Approval
31-May-19 18/03934/FUL Woodhouses Farm Tarvin Road, Frodsham Demolition of existing buildings, erection of two dwellings, conversion of building for parking and new access Approval – note that FTC objected to this application.
05-Jun-19 19/01010/FUL 63 Park Lane, Frodsham Single storey side and rear extension Approval
06-Jun-19 18/04689/FUL 86 Main Street, Frodsham Subdivision of the ground floor into 2 units with change of use to Class A1 (shops), Class A2 (financial and professional services) or Class A3 (restaurants and cafe) with conversion of residential flat above Approval
12-Jun-19 18/02570/FUL Building and Land forming part of Five Crosses Farm, Watery Lane, Frodsham Conversion of listed outbuilding into one dwelling and extend existing first floor access staircase and landing area Approval
13-Jun-19 19/00462/FUL 53 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Two storey side and rear extension Approval
17 Licensing Act and Gambling Act Applications

To consider whether to make any objections to the application(s) listed below.

Applicant & application number Premises and Address Permitted activities and opening hours of the premises Reason for application Consultation end date
Artisan Green Ltd


Artisan Green

105 Main Street



Supply of alcohol on the premises.

Performance of recorded music.

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 00:00.

Friday and Saturday 10:00 to 02:00.

Late night refreshment

Thursday 23:00 to 00:00

Friday and Saturday 23:00 to 01:00.

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to 00:00.

Friday and Saturday 10:00 to 02:00

Application for the grant of a premises licence. 12 July 2019
Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc


10-16 High Street, Frodsham, WA6 7HE
No change to licensable


Application for a minor variation to the existing licence to change the layout of the premises in line with the plan submitted to the Licensing Authority 24-Jun-19
18 Clerk’s Items – to note any information items.
19 Date of next meeting

Monday 22 July 2019 at 6.00pm at Castle Park.
