Agenda – Meeting 5 (2017/18)
Planning Committee Agenda 25.09.17
Planning Committee Minutes 25.09.17 (5)
No | Item |
26 | Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance. |
27 | Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest. |
28 | Minutes of the Meeting Held on 14 August 2017
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record. Planning Committee Minutes 14.08.17 (4) subject to confirmation |
29 | Opportunity for Public to Speak |
30 | Planning Applications |
30.1 | To consider the application listed below. |
30.2 | To note the decisions taken since 14 August 2017 by CWaC. |
30.1 Planning Applications | ||
Reference | Address | Description |
17/03803/FUL | Westdene, Kingsley Green, Kingsley Road, Frodsham | Single storey rear extension |
17/03906/FUL | Nursery House, 98 Church Street, Frodsham | Two storey extension to side with two storey link |
17/03735/FUL | The Bungalow, Kingsley Green, Kingsley Road, Frodsham | Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of one dwelling |
17/03996/FUL | 31 Howey Lane, Frodsham | Refurbishment of existing Woodlands property including new entrance porch, new side entrance and new driveway/ double garage |
17/04027/S73 | Wyn Hill, Townfield Lane, Frodsham | Variation of Conditions on Planning Application 16/02127/FUL (pitched roof and increase length to garage) |
30.2 Planning Decisions Taken by the Unitary Council | ||||
Date Notified | Reference | Address | Description | Decision |
16-Aug-17 | 17/03216/FUL | 23 Weaver Road, Frodsham | Single storey side extension | Approval |
22-Aug-17 | 17/02911/FUL | Beacon Farm Cottage, 67A Bellemonte Road, Frodsham | Single storey extension to rear | Approval |
1-Sep-17 | 17/03134/FUL | 31 Carriage Drive, Frodsham | Single storey rear extension, two storey rear extension, increase in roof height for conversion of loft and alterations to the front | Approval |
6-Sep-17 | 17/02340/LBC | 46-48 Main Street, Frodsham | Two storey rear extension, re-roofing to existing outrigger and associated internal remodelling | Approval |
6-Sep-17 | 17/02339/FUL | 46-48 Main Street, Frodsham | Two storey rear extension, re-roofing to existing outrigger and associated internal remodelling | Approval |
13-Sep-17 | 17/03169/FUL | Lady Heyes Camping and Caravan Site, Kingsley Road, Kingsley, Frodsham | Use of existing 42 tent pitches to accommodate 28 camper vans | Approval |
17-Sep-17 | 17/00367/FUL | Land At Rear Of 1 And 1A Bridge Lane, Frodsham | Proposed 4 unit residential development | Withdrawn |