Agenda – Meeting 7 (2019/20)
Planning Committee Agenda 18.11.19 (7)
Planning Committee Minutes 18.11.19 (7)
No | Item | ||||||
50 | Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance. |
51 | Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest. |
52 | Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 October 2019
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record. |
53 | Opportunity for Public to Speak | ||||||
54 | Planning Applications | ||||||
54.1 | To consider the applications listed below. | ||||||
Reference | Address | Description | |||||
19/03832/FUL | Tynedale, Oakdale Avenue, Frodsham | Addition of car port to side of garage | |||||
19/03895/CAT | The Old Vicarage Vicarage Lane, Frodsham | G1 – Group of overgrown and poor form Birch and Bird Cherry stems overhanging The Vicarage garden from the Old Vicarage garden. Fell overhanging stems. | |||||
19/04082/FUL | Land Rear of 2 To 4 Red Lane, Frodsham | Erection of two dwellings including new access and associated parking and landscaping (Re-submission of 19/00384/FUL) | |||||
19/02229/FUL | 26 Kingsway, Frodsham | Single and two storey rear extension | |||||
54.2 | To note the decisions taken since 17 September 2019 by the Unitary Council. | ||||||
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision | |||
25-Oct-19 | 19/00384/FUL | Land Rear of 2 To 4 Red Lane Frodsham Cheshire | Erection of three new dwellings including three new access and associated parking and landscaping | Withdrawn | |||
06-Nov-19 | 19/01748/FUL | 49 Hayes Crescent, Frodsham | Erection of a new 1.8m high timber fence with a trellis to replace existing and retention of the Playhouse to the front | Refusal
11-Nov-19 | 19/02273/FUL | 9 Brookside Road Frodsham | Proposed rear/side extension to form granny flat | Approval | |||
55 | Clerk’s Items – to note any information items. | ||||||
56 | Date of future meetings
To discuss and agree the date and time for future meetings. |