Planning Committee – CANCELLED

Event Details

Unfortunately this meeting has been cancelled as insufficient Councillors were able to attend in order to achieve a quorum.

Residents or Councillors requiring more information about any of the planning applications on the agenda should visit and enter the application number in the search box.

If, having viewed the documents, you wish to comment, please submit your comments to Cheshire West and Chester online via the link above.

If you wish to comment on the licensing application (Item 84), please do so in writing to The Licensing Team, Cheshire West and Chester Council, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 OBE no later than the consultation end date given in the agenda.

Planning Committee Agenda 16.03.20 (11)


No Item
79 Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

80 Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest.

81 Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 February 2020

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Planning Committee Minutes 10.02.20 (10)

82 Opportunity for Public to Speak
83 Planning Applications
83.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference Address Description
20/00381/FUL Hill View House, 63 Main Street, Frodsham Conversion of offices at ground floor to two residential units – renewal of application 16/02071/FUL
20/00244/FUL The Dairy, Bradley Hall, Bradley Lane, Frodsham Create a separate septic tank for Bradley Hall within the grounds of The Dairy, and associated drainage system
20/00425/FUL & 20/00427/LBC Ring O Bells, 2 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Change of use of outbuilding to create additional dining space, new oak framed glazed link between buildings, replace doors to front elevation with oak framed windows
20/00428/FUL & 20/00429/LBC Ring O Bells, 2 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Redevelopment of rear beer garden, infilling pond, new stone paving and erection/ installation of festoon lighting
20/00608/TPO 3 Kingsway, Frodsham English Walnut Tree – Removal due to excessive shading to the property and neighbouring ones. Tree will not be replanted.
20/00643/FUL 18 Keswick Drive, Frodsham Extension to rear and extension to create first floor
20/00254/FUL 10 Maori Drive, Frodsham Two storey front and side extension
20/00693/LBC Frodsham Railway Station, Church Street, Frodsham Remove 2 no ticket vending machines and bases and replace with 2 no ticket vending machines and bases in same locations. Existing cabling will be reused for the new machines.
20/00763/FUL 32 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Rear extension with terrace
83.2 To note the decisions taken since 10 February 2020 by the Unitary Council.
Date Reference Address Description Decision
28-Feb-20 19/04562/FUL 41 Fluin Lane, Frodsham Rear two storey extension Approval
03-Mar-20 18/04805/FUL 12 Volunteer Street, Frodsham Erection of one detached dwelling to rear of existing property and repositioning of entrance to existing property Approval
03-Mar-20 19/04591/REM Hempgill, 19 Carriage Drive, Frodsham Erection of one dwelling and detached garage Withdrawn
06-Mar-20 19/02774/FUL Land Adjacent 128 Bridge Lane Frodsham Change of use of land to tyre repair / fitting, installation of a timber building (which includes an outdoor terrace), six metal storage containers and hardstanding, along with boundary fencing, security gates and advertisements, and the storage of a boat, caravans and a mobile home – retrospective. Refusal
10-Mar-20 19/03533/FUL 59 Main Street, Frodsham Installation of external air conditioning units Approval
10-Mar-20 20/00004/REM 72A Townfield Lane, Frodsham Amendment to previous approval 18/02983/REM to amend roof design to form lower monopitch roof in place of approved truss type roof Approval
11-Mar-20 19/04407/FUL 42 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Demolition of one dwelling and erection of 4 dwellings and detached garages Refusal
84 Licensing Act and Gambling Act Applications

To consider whether to make any objections to the application listed below.

Applicant & application number Premises and Address Permitted activities and opening hours of the premises Reason for application Consultation end date
Rotary Club of Frodsham and Helsby 549991 Mid Cheshire Scooter Rally Lady Heyes Camping and Caravan Park Kingsley Road Kingsley Frodsham


Supply of alcohol on the premises.

Fri and Sat 12:00 to 23:30

Performance of live music.

Fri 20:30 to 22:30
Sat 16:15 to 22:30

Performance of recorded music.

Fri and Sat 12:00 to 23:30

Late night refreshment

Fri and Sat 23:00 to 23:30

Opening hours

Fri and Sat 12:00 to 23:59

Application for the grant of a time limited premises licence from 01/05/2020 to 02/05/2020. 2-Apr-20
85 Public comments on planning applications

To note that Cheshire West & Chester Council has revised its processes to protect individuals’ personal data, whilst still being able to make comments and views submitted on planning applications available online.

86 Clerk’s Items – to note any information items.
87 Date of future meetings

20 April and 11 May 2020.
