Planning Committee

Event Details

  • Date:

Agenda – Meeting 17 (2019/21)

This meeting was held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.

Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.

Planning Committee Agenda 18.01.21

Planning Committee Minutes 18.01.21

Audio recording

Video recording


123.     Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

124.     Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

125.     Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 December 2020

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Draft Planning Committee Minutes 14.12.20

126.     Opportunity for Public to Speak

127.     Planning Applications

127.1  To consider the applications listed below.

Reference Address Description
20/04365/LDC The Old Shippon, Bradley Hall, Bradley Lane, Frodsham Confirmation that two flats that have been used as separate dwellings
20/04460/FUL 18 Ennerdale Drive, Frodsham Single storey front extension, rendering to front elevation, infill of side window to first floor, demolition of existing rear extension, erection of part two storey part single storey rear extension, replacement windows to all elevations to anthracite grey
20/04396/FUL Land At Plot 13, Ince Resource Recovery Park, Grinsome Road, Ellesmere Port Resource recovery facility (Plastics Recycling Facility)
20/04445/FUL 8 Lime Avenue, Frodsham First floor rear extension
20/04625/PDO First and Second Floors, 105 Main Street, Frodsham Conversion of unused office space on first and second floors to form 2x 2 bedroom apartments.
20/04432/FUL Crowmere House, Dobers Lane, Frodsham Erection of a forestry, timber and machinery storage building together with adjoining equine stable range for the applicants’ personal use.
20/04271/FUL 79 High Street, Frodsham Erection of a 1.5M fence on top of a 60cm sandstone wall on the South boundary – retrospective
20/04713/FUL Lady Heyes Camping And Caravan Site, Kingsley Road, Kingsley, Frodsham Use of Part of Caravan Site to allow siting of 10 static caravans for holiday accommodation to replace 12 Camper Van/Touring Pitches
20/04805/FUL 6 Hillview Close, Frodsham Single storey rear extension to replace conservatory

127.2  To note the decisions taken by the Unitary Council since 9 December and listed below. Frodsham Town Council objected to those applications in bold text.

Date Reference Address Description Decision
09-Dec-20 20/02021/FUL 5 Fairways, Frodsham Single storey front extension Approval
09-Dec-20 20/02112/FUL Forestgate, Tarvin Road Frodsham Two storey extension to the front, extension to existing single storey extension to rear, alterations and addition of render to property Approval
09-Dec-20 20/02188/FUL 74 Grasmere Road, Frodsham Single Storey Rear Extension and Detached Garage Withdrawn
09-Dec-20 20/02233/FUL Park Cottage, 8 Fountain Lane, Frodsham Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of outbuilding and front porch to dwelling Approval
11-Dec-20 20/03436/FUL 58 Grasmere Road, Frodsham Demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey side extension, addition of pitched roof to existing flat roof dormer and raised patio area to rear Approval
11-Dec-20 20/03249/FUL 17 Hillfield, Frodsham Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a two storey extension to rear Approval
11-Dec-20 20/03628/FUL 22 Fluin Lane, Frodsham Single storey rear extension and rear orangery. Approval
14-Dec-20 20/00236/FUL & 20/00237/LBC 1 Haydan Mews, Godscroft Lane, Frodsham Change of timber windows into conservation style UPVC windows to match existing colour and pattern Approval
14-Dec-20 20/02257/FUL Lady Heyes Camping and Caravan Site, Kingsley Road, Kingsley Use of Part of existing caravan site to allow siting of 12 static caravans to replace 19 touring caravan pitches Withdrawn
14-Dec-20 20/02312/FUL Jali Bank, Kingsley Green, Kingsley Road, Frodsham Erection of garden room and log store Approval
16-Dec-20 20/02417/LBC 5 Manor Farm Court, Langdale Way, Frodsham Replacement of modern, softwood windows and front door with hardwood windows and door (retrospective) Approval
16-Dec-20 20/02448/FUL 25 Silverdale Close, Frodsham Single storey rear extension and extension to existing rear extension. Approval
18-Dec-20 20/02528/FUL Saint Hildas Drive Post Office, St Hildas Drive, Frodsham Erection of a detached dwelling – resubmission of lapsed planning permission reference 16/02290/FUL Approval
11-Jan-21 20/02809/FUL 25 Hillfield, Frodsham Demolition of existing conservatory. Two storey extension to rear. First floor extension to side and two storey extension to side. Approval
11-Jan-21 20/02819/FUL The Old Police Station, Ship Street, Frodsham Renovate the disused Former Police Station into a Private Boutique Studio Facility offering Pilates, Movement Therapy, Fitness and Dance Withdrawn

128.     Date of Next Meeting

Monday 15 February at 6.30pm.
