Agenda – Meeting 18 (2019/21)
This meeting is being held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020
Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.
Planning Committee Agenda 15.02.21 (18)
Planning Committee Minutes 15.02.21 (18)
Audio recording
Video recording
129. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
130. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest
131. Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 January 2021
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
Planning Committee Minutes 18.01.21
132. Opportunity for Public to Speak
133. Planning Applications
133.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
20/04772/FUL | 30 Grasmere Road, Frodsham | Single storey and first floor front extensions, garage conversion and single storey rear extension |
20/04751/FUL | 35 Kingsway, Frodsham | Alteration to existing side extension roof, two storey side extension, single storey rear extension. |
21/00029/FUL | 4 Ennerdale Drive, Frodsham | Two storey rear extension |
20/04511/FUL | 14 Froda Avenue, Frodsham | Single storey extension to front/side, front dormer and loft conversion, alterations to rear extension roof and replacement stairs |
21/00202/FUL | Royal Mail Frodsham Delivery Office, Ship Street, Frodsham | The erection of a 6m x 4m temporary structure for 12 months |
21/00210/FUL | 20 Doric Avenue, Frodsham | Demolition of existing garage and construction of new garage |
20/04768/FUL | 11 Hillfield, Frodsham | Alterations to front porch, two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, replacement window/doors, render application to all elevations |
21/00135/S73 | Ravenswood, Carriage Drive, Frodsham | Variation of Conditions 5 of 20/00993/FUL |
133.2 To note the decisions taken by the Unitary Council since 18 January 2021 and listed below.
Date | Reference | Address | Description | Decision |
18-Jan-21 | 20/02874/FUL | 55 Silverdale Close, Frodsham | Single storey rear extension, garage conversion and new front porch extension | Approval |
29-Jan-21 | 20/02421/FUL | 40 Hillside Road, Frodsham | First floor rear extension. Rear dormer with hip to gable conversion. | Approval |
29-Jan-21 | 20/02893/LBC | Church House Farm, Church Road, Frodsham | 4 replacement windows | Withdrawn |
29-Jan-21 | 20/02963/FUL | 66 Grasmere Road, Frodsham | Two storey side extension | Approval |
01-Feb-21 | 20/03638/FUL | 27 Princeway, Frodsham | Demolition of existing garage and conservatory, alterations to front and side to include new bay window and porch roof canopy, two storey side extension, single storey rear extensions, replacement windows, rendering of property. | Approval |
01-Feb-21 | 20/03834/FUL | Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham | Enclose existing storage area | Approval |
01-Feb-21 | 20/03856/FUL | 86 Main Street, Frodsham | Change of use of Vacant Bank (A2) to form Restaurant (A3) at ground floor with associated bin and cycle storage to the rear, plus change of use from bank to C3 Residential unit at first floor. | Approval |
01-Feb-21 | 20/03909/LBC | 3 Manor Farm Court, Langdale Way, Frodsham | Construction of new concrete retaining wall and reconstruction of sandstone wall facing Bridge Lane | Approval |
01-Feb-21 | 20/03931/FUL | 8 Clifton Crescent, Frodsham | Single storey side extension with roof alterations to existing annex | Approval |
30-Jan-21 | 20/03364/FUL | 2 Thirlmere Close, Frodsham | Demolition of garage and conservatory and single storey side extension | Approval |
01-Feb-21 | 20/04244/FUL | 18 Ellis Lane, Frodsham | Two storey rear extension with balcony | Approval |
04-Feb-21 | 20/03260/FUL & 20/03261/LBC | 12 Manor Farm Court, Langdale Way, Frodsham | Erection of garden wall and replace existing side window with French doors | Approval |
134. Licensing Act and Gambling Act Applications
To consider whether to make any objections to the application(s) listed below.
Applicant & application number | Premises and Address | Permitted activities and opening hours of the premises | Reason for application | Consultation end date |
Main Street Kitchen Limited
552972 |
Main Street Kitchen 86 Main Street Frodsham WA6 7AR | Supply of alcohol on and off the premises
Monday to Saturday Sunday All public holidays Opening hours Monday to Saturday Sunday All public holidays |
Application for the grant of a premises licence. | 01-Mar 21 |
135. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 15 March at 6.30pm.