Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2021/22)

5. Planning Agenda 15 11 2021

5. Planning Draft Minutes 15 11 21


30.   Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

31.   Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

32.   Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 September 2021

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

33.   Opportunity for Public to Speak

34.   Planning Applications

34.1    To note that no comments were submitted to the unitary authority on the following applications as the October meeting of this Committee was cancelled due to sickness.


Reference Address Description
21/02873/FUL 83 High Street, Frodsham Dropped kerb at front of house
21/03609/FUL 3 Warren Court, Frodsham Single storey side and rear extension
21/03661/FUL 10 Buttermere Close, Frodsham Single storey rear extension, conversion of existing garage and new front entrance porch
21/04000/TPO 47 Howey Lane, Frodsham Silver Birch – remove as per survey
21/03999/TPO 8 Newlands Close, Frodsham 2 x Lime and 2 x Beech – all 15% reduction


34.2    To consider the applications listed below.


Reference Address Description
21/04284/TPO 3 Erindale Crescent, Frodsham Oak (T3) – Reduce to monolith as per survey report
21/04391/CAT Brockton Mews, Church Road, Frodsham Yew – trim sides
21/04098/FUL 5 Newlands Close, Frodsham Alteration to front to change garage door to a window, erection of first floor side extension, addition of doors to side and rear
21/04107/FUL 10 Red Lane, Frodsham New driveway and access with drop kerbs


34.3    To note the decisions taken by the Unitary Council and listed below. Frodsham Town Council objected to those applications in bold text.


Date Reference Address Description Decision
20-Sep-21 20/03760/FUL 38 Howey Lane, Frodsham Two storey side and single storey side extensions, single storey rear extension Approval
22-Sep-21 20/02596/FUL 10 Ship Street, Frodsham Single Storey Rear Extension Approval
22-Sep-21 20/03405/FUL Electricity Substation, Sutton Causeway, Sutton, Frodsham A 200MVAR shunt reactor and associated electrical bay equipment Approval
27-Sep-21 20/04460/FUL 18 Ennerdale Drive, Frodsham Single storey front extension, rendering to front elevation, infill of side window to first floor, demolition of existing rear extension, erection of part two storey part single storey rear extension, replacement windows to all elevations to anthracite grey Approval
27-Sep-21 20/04432/FUL Crowmere House, Dobers Lane, Frodsham Erection of a forestry, timber and machinery storage building together with adjoining equine stable range for the applicants’ personal use. Approval
27-Sep-21 20/04271/FUL 79 High Street, Frodsham Erection of a 1.5M fence on top of a 60cm sandstone wall on the South boundary – retrospective Withdrawn
26-Aug-21 21/03267/FUL & 21/03195/LBC ATM 1, Church Street, Frodsham Installation of an automated teller machine and associated signage Withdrawn
27-Sep-21 20/04805/FUL 6 Hillview Close, Frodsham Single storey rear extension to replace conservatory Approval
28-Sep-21 20/04713/FUL Lady Heyes Camping And Caravan Site Kingsley Road, Kingsley, Frodsham Use of Part of Caravan Site to allow siting of 10 static caravans for holiday accommodation to replace 12 Camper Van/Touring Pitches Withdrawn
28-Sep-21 20/04751/FUL 35 Kingsway, Frodsham Alteration to existing side extension roof, two storey side extension, single storey rear extension. Approval
28-Sep-21 20/04768/FUL 11 Hillfield, Frodsham Alterations to front porch, two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, replacement window/doors, render application to all elevations Approval
11-Oct-21 21/03501/TEL Land At Fluin Lane, Frodsham Proposed 5G telecoms installation: 15m high ‘slim line’ Phase 8 H3G street pole c/w wrap around cabinet and 3no. cabinets with ancillary works- to be coloured green. Refusal


34.4    To note the decisions taken by the Planning Inspector.


Date Reference Address Description Decision
05-Nov-21 APP/A0665/W/20/3261675
Land Rear of 2 To 4 Red Lane, Frodsham Erection of two dwellings including new access and associated parking and landscaping (Re-submission of 19/00384/FUL) Appeal dismissed. Refusal of permission by the planning authority upheld by the Planning Inspector



35.   Date of Next Meeting

Monday 13 December at 6.30pm.