Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 2 (2021/22)

2. Planning Agenda 26.07.21

2. Planning Draft Minutes 26.07.21

Due to technical issues there is no audio available from the meeting


11.Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

12.Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

13.Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 June 2021

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

Planning Draft Minutes 21.06.21

14.Opportunity for Public to Speak

15.Planning Applications

15.1    To consider the applications listed below.

Reference Address Description
21/01921/LBC Godscroft House, Godscroft Lane, Frodsham Installation of 2 replacement windows at first floor level – retrospective applicaton – retrospective
21/02466/TPO Valley Cottage, Middle Walk, Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Sycamore – remove. Self seeded, no aesthetic value, growing at an angle over public footpath
21/02154/FUL 36 Doric Avenue, Frodsham Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension, alterations to garage roof
21/02165/FUL The Bears Paw Hotel, 127 Main Street, Frodsham Formation of free standing covered timber pergola to existing cobbled area and formation of covered timber pergola with external fixed seating below to rear patio area, Area of tarmacked existing drinking area to be replaced with resin finish and removal of an existing jumbrella
21/02684/S73 Household Waste Site, Church Street, Frodsham Continued use as a Household Waste Centre – Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 18/03126/S73 to extend the temporary planning permission for a further 2 years.
21/02259/FUL 1 Lime Avenue, Frodsham Detached ancillary building
21/02245/FUL 52 Grasmere Road, Frodsham Two storey side and single storey rear extension with rendering, dormers and roof alterations
21/02723/CAT Pinmill Croft Park Lane, Frodsham 2 x Beech trees are overgrown and require reducing. A high pollard was suggested to encourage a new formative shape as they have become straggled and leggy.
21/01871/FUL Dobers Farm, Dobers Lane, Frodsham Two storey extension, single storey extension and first floor extension
Bradley Hall, Bradley Lane, Frodsham Installation of a new package treatment plant and associated drainage, Installation of a new heating oil tank and associated infrastructure, Creation of a driveway to the front elevation and Demolition and rebuilding of the garden wall.
21/02349/FUL Fraser House, 8 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Erection of 4 dwellings, retention of Fraser House for office use, reconfiguration of the car parking, demolition of a wall, new landscaping and associated infrastructure


16.Local Plan ‘Early Conversation’ Consultation

To note that Cheshire West & Chester Council are undertaking an ‘early conversation’ consultation to ask if policies in the Local Plan need to be updated. The online consultation is based on six themes: Climate; Jobs; Homes; Health; Travel; and Environment. The consultation will be open until 15 September 2021.
