Meeting 6 (2022/23)
35. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
36. Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest
37. Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 November 2022
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
38. Opportunity for Public to Speak
39. Planning Applications
39.1 To consider the applications listed below.
Reference | Address | Description |
22/03926/FUL | 19 Fluin Lane,
Frodsham |
Removal of existing rear garage. Erection of two storey rear extension, bay window to front elevation |
22/03987/FUL | 58 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham | Proposed replacement of existing single storey side/rear extension |
22/03964/FUL | 95 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham | Addition of 2 windows to property gable and amendment of 1 further window to property gable |
22/03854/FUL | Hover Force Ltd,
Grassy Lane, Frodsham |
Construction of new building associated with outdoor target activities and siting of two weather shelters/viewing areas. (part retrospective) |
22/03929/FUL | Ring O Bells,
2 Bellemonte Road, Frodsham |
Redevelopment of rear beer garden, infilling pond, new stone paving and erection/installation of festoon lighting |
22/04192/FUL | 9 Lansdowne,
Frodsham |
2 storey rear extension, single storey rear extension, change front dormer to widened gable, amendments to front porch |
22/04372/CAT | Pin Mill Brow House,
26 Howey Lane, Frodsham |
Oak – 20% canopy reduction to clear tree away from property and back from road |
22/04007/FUL | Cocos Play Barn,
Lady Heyes Farm, Kingsley Road,Kingsley, Frodsham |
Commercial building extension for use as kitchen |
22/04174/PMA | 8 Fraser House, Ground Floor Suite, 7 Bridge Lane, Frodsham | Change of use of whole building to form 7 dwellings |
22/04066/FUL | 20 High Street, Frodsham | Alterations to shop front to include new windows and doors, partial cladding to front elevation and alterations to rear first floor window openings |
40. Date of next meeting
Monday 9 January 2023 at 6.30pm.