Planning Committee

Event Details

Meeting 8 (2022/23)

8. Planning Agenda 13 02 23

8. Planning Minutes 13 02 23

47.    Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

48.    Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

49.    Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 January 2023

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

7. Planning Minutes 09 01 23

50.    Opportunity for Public to Speak

51.    Planning Applications

51.1    To consider the applications listed below.


Reference Address Description
22/04442/FUL 37 Fluin Lane, Frodsham Demolition of existing concrete garage and stores. Proposed rebuild with brick and slate garage and garden store and room.
22/04504/FUL 10 Arran Drive, Frodsham Garden room and raised decking to rear of garden.
22/03854/FUL Hover Force Ltd Grassy Lane Frodsham Construction of new building associated with outdoor target activities and siting of two weather shelters/viewing areas. (part retrospective).
22/04558/FUL 10 Overton Drive, Frodsham Two storey side and rear extensions and single storey extension works.
22/04568/FUL Frodsham Golf Club, Simons Lane, Frodsham Change of use of building to one residential unit.
22/03339/FUL Valley Cottage, Middle Walk, Bellemonte Road, Frodsham Erect platform and other engineering works following land slippage in rear garden – Retrospective.
22/04076/FUL 5 Blue Hatch, Frodsham Erection of 10m high mast.
22/04244/FUL West Wind, Meadow View Drive, Frodsham Side dormer extension
22/04652/FUL 8 Clover Avenue, Frodsham Extensions and Alterations to Existing Dwelling and Conversion of Existing Garage to Office Ancillary.
22/04710/FUL Frodsham Medical Practice, 50 High Street, Frodsham Change of use from doctor’s surgery (formerly Use Class D1) to Residential dwelling. Construction of garage, summerhouse and shed.
23/00066/TPO 56 Silverdale Close Frodsham Re-pollard Lime and remove 4x lowest branches of Sycamore.
22/04166/FUL The Old Pumping Station Hares Lane Frodsham The installation of a replacement 1.8M high entrance gate (Retrospective) along with the remodelling of the sites 13 pitches and the provision of replacement WC/shower and store rooms.
22/03197/FUL 117A Main Street, Frodsham Demolition of existing extensions to the rear and change of use of existing building to retail at ground floor and 4no. apartments on upper floors. Erection of building containing 3no. apartments and construction of 4no. townhouses to rear with car parking and landscaping
23/00060/FUL Fraser House, 8 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Construction of three dwellings with associated parking and landscaping to the rear of the site.
23/00155/FUL Fraser House, 8 Bridge Lane, Frodsham Conversion of existing building to form 7 dwellings with external alteration to replace side door to window, associated parking and cycle shelter.


52.    Date of next meeting

Monday 13 March 2023 at 6.30pm.