Planning Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2023/24)

4. Planning Agenda 11 09 23

4. Planning Minutes 11 09 23

1.       Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance

2.       Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

3.       Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 August 2023

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

3. Planning Minutes 14 08 23

4.       Opportunity for Public to Speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings.

5.       Planning Applications

5.1       To consider the applications listed below.

Reference Address Description
23/02470/FUL 64 Main Street, Frodsham Change of use from restaurant to three apartments
23/02564/CAT Rear of 8 Rodgers Close, Frodsham Lime – Removal of tree branch
23/02546/FUL 22 Church Street, Frodsham Erection of timber lattice fence panels with lightweight translucent polycarbonate roof profile to provide ancillary seating area (additional seating area will be restricted to 10pm) (Retrospective)
23/02528/FUL Land To The North West of Manor House Farm, Hillfoot Lane, Newton, Frodsham Construction of new agricultural building for storage of machinery, equipment and produce with associated hardstanding area
23/02562/FUL Horse Paddock On Godscroft Lane, Godscroft Lane, Frodsham Change of use of land to a dog training, exercising and walking site at land on Godscroft Lane
23/02526/CAT High Lea, Vicarage Lane, Frodsham 1x Whitebeam – Remove. 3x Lime trees – Trim lower branches off the trees in front garden as they are close to the house. 1x self-seeded Lime tree – Remove. 1x Elder – Remove
23/02748/CAT Chapel Fields Care Home, Chapelfields, Frodsham 1x large oak tree (in rear garden) is encroaching on the building and requires uplifting. Our certified team will attend site and perform the following actions:
1. The oak will be accessed using ropes and harness. 2. Branches will be individually pruned and lowered into a segregated drop zone using LOLER certified rigging equipment. 3. A minimum 2 metre clearance will be created above and away from the building. 4. The tree will be uplifted to 5.2 metres over the garden

5.2       To note the decisions taken since 2 February 2023 by the Unitary Council

Date Reference Address Description Decision
02/02/2023 22/04556/PMA The Cowshed, Former Frodsham Golf Club, Simons Lane, Frodsham Application to determine prior approval for a proposed change of use to residential use Appeal dismissed
08/06/2023 23/00225/FUL 45 Howey Lane, Frodsham Single storey side extension with flat roof Approval
21/03/2023 22/02430/FUL Little Orchard Bradley Lane Frodsham Demolition of store area and rear extensions, roof alterations to increase ridge height of dwelling to create first floor, single storey side extensions, rear extension,, alterations to existing garage to replace garage flat roof with a pitched, alterations to windows and doors, brick slips to all elevations Approval
15/05/2023 23/00418/FUL Brooklyn Bungalow, Chester Road, Frodsham Rear single story extension Approval
20/04/2023 23/00746/FUL 21 Fairways, Frodsham Single storey rear extension Approval
16/05/2023 23/00698/TPO 11 Newlands Close Frodsham Removal of Conifer, previously permission has been given by CWAC to remove the conifer but has lapsed Approval
26/05/2023 23/00995/TPO 4 Erindale Crescent, Frodsham Oak – 3m reduction as per tree assessment Approval


6.       Date of next meeting

Monday 9 October 2023 at 6.30pm