Policy & Process Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 1 (2019/20)

Policy & Process Committee Agenda 24 06 19 (1)

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 24 06 19 (1)


No Item
1 Appointment of Chair

To elect the Chair to serve until May 2020.

2 Appointment of Deputy Chair

To elect the Deputy Chair to serve until May 2020.

3 Apologies for Absence – To note.
4 Declarations of Interest – To note.
5 Minutes of Meeting 5 – 15 April 2019

To agree as true and accurate record.

P&P Minutes 15 04 19 (5)

6 Requests from the public to speak

To receive report from Frodsham Community Association.

7 Frodsham Community Association

To note progress on lease arrangements with Frodsham Youth Association and agree any action to be taken by Frodsham Town Council.

8 Annual Return

To note that the paperwork has been completed and submitted to external auditor.

9 Website

To note the communications report for April and May 2019.

9. FTC Web Analytics Apr-May 2019

10 Review of Committees

To agree membership of a working group to review the committee structure and make recommendations to the next P & P Committee meeting to be held on 19th August.

11 Executive Powers

To consider the necessity of Executive Powers.

11. Executive powers

12 To review the Methodology for the Effective Execution of Executive Powers for budget holding committees, agree any changes and recommend them to council.
13 Charges

To review the following charges:

  • Allotments
  • Room Rental (Castle Park)
  • Playing fields/Land Rental
  • Photocopying

Any changes to be recommended to Council.

14 Publication Scheme

To review the Publication Scheme, agree any changes and recommend them to Council.

14. Publication scheme

15 Complaints Procedure

To review the Complaints Procedure, agree any changes and recommend them to Council.

15. Complaints procedure

16 Press/Media

To review the Dealing with the Press/Media Policy, agree any changes and recommend them to Council.

16. Media Policy (existing)

16. Media Policy (recommended)

17 Grants Panel

To set up the Grants Panel and to agree the timetable for decision making.

18 Castle Park House Update

To discuss the current situation, any updates and agree any actions.

19 Annual Report

To receive an update on the development of the Annual Report and agree any actions.

20 Mayor Account

To note existence of Mayor’s Account and approve recommendation of closure and transfer of £50 balance to Co-operative Direct Plus Account to rationalize the number of accounts held as recommended by annual internal audit.

21 Clerk’s Items

To note any information items.

22 Date of next meeting

Monday 19th August 2019.

23 Close of meeting

