Agenda – Meeting 1 (2019/20)
Policy & Process Committee Agenda 24 06 19 (1)
Policy & Process Committee Minutes 24 06 19 (1)
No | Item |
1 | Appointment of Chair
To elect the Chair to serve until May 2020. |
2 | Appointment of Deputy Chair
To elect the Deputy Chair to serve until May 2020. |
3 | Apologies for Absence – To note. |
4 | Declarations of Interest – To note. |
5 | Minutes of Meeting 5 – 15 April 2019
To agree as true and accurate record. |
6 | Requests from the public to speak
To receive report from Frodsham Community Association. |
7 | Frodsham Community Association
To note progress on lease arrangements with Frodsham Youth Association and agree any action to be taken by Frodsham Town Council. |
8 | Annual Return
To note that the paperwork has been completed and submitted to external auditor. |
9 | Website
To note the communications report for April and May 2019. |
10 | Review of Committees
To agree membership of a working group to review the committee structure and make recommendations to the next P & P Committee meeting to be held on 19th August. |
11 | Executive Powers
To consider the necessity of Executive Powers. |
12 | To review the Methodology for the Effective Execution of Executive Powers for budget holding committees, agree any changes and recommend them to council. |
13 | Charges
To review the following charges:
Any changes to be recommended to Council. |
14 | Publication Scheme
To review the Publication Scheme, agree any changes and recommend them to Council. |
15 | Complaints Procedure
To review the Complaints Procedure, agree any changes and recommend them to Council. |
16 | Press/Media
To review the Dealing with the Press/Media Policy, agree any changes and recommend them to Council. |
17 | Grants Panel
To set up the Grants Panel and to agree the timetable for decision making. |
18 | Castle Park House Update
To discuss the current situation, any updates and agree any actions. |
19 | Annual Report
To receive an update on the development of the Annual Report and agree any actions. |
20 | Mayor Account
To note existence of Mayor’s Account and approve recommendation of closure and transfer of £50 balance to Co-operative Direct Plus Account to rationalize the number of accounts held as recommended by annual internal audit. |
21 | Clerk’s Items
To note any information items. |
22 | Date of next meeting
Monday 19th August 2019. |
23 | Close of meeting |