Meeting 2 (2022/23)
Please note that this meeting has been reconvened as the meeting due to be held on 22nd August 2022 was postponed due to members being unable to attend
1. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
2. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest
3. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
4. Actions from the previous meeting
To note actions taken since the previous meeting held 27th June 2022
6 | Minutes from 25-04-2022 | Approved and signed | |
9 | Terms of reference | Approved | |
10 | Operation London Bridge | Delegated authority for clerk to action | As required |
11 | Grant funding | Delegated authority for clerk to action | As required |
14 | Summer Reading Challenge | £100 funding provided to Cheshire Libraries | Payment made |
15 | Employer Pensions Statements | Statements for employer discretions policies approved | Info sent to Cheshire Pension Fund |
5. Minutes of the meeting held on 27th June 2022
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
6. Finance
- To note 33 payments in July totalling £29,399.61
- To note 10 receipts in July totalling £13,114.11
- To note that after all considerations, total cash balances as at 31st July were £501,546.34
- To note the finance report July 2022. This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.
- To approve and sign the report.
7. Staffing sub-committee meeting 15th August 2022
- To note the draft minutes from the meeting attended by all members: Cllrs Hayes, Anstice, Griffiths and Stockton.
- To approve the recommendations from the meeting as follows:
1. Staffing Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes 15-07-2022
(1) Administrative Assistant to be placed on salary scale LC1 (7-12) on scale point 10 from April 2022 with annual increments (subject to satisfactory appraisal) to scale 12.
(2) The job title of Administrative Assistant by changed to that of Administrative Officer with immediate effect.
(3) Cemetery Clerk to be placed on salary scale LC1 (13-17) on scale point 15 from April 2022 with annual increments (subject to satisfactory appraisal) to scale 17.
(4) Town Clerk to be placed on salary scale LC3 (37-41) on scale point 39 from April 2022 with annual increments (subject to satisfactory appraisal) to scale 41.
8. Appointment of external auditor 2022 to 2027 Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015
- To note the report provided by the Clerk
- To accept the recommendation of the Clerk to continue as part of the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments sector led auditor appointment regime.
8a. Appointment of external auditor
9. Communication & media policy
To approve the updated communication and media policy
9. Communications & media policy August 2022
10.Grant Scheme 2022
- To approve the terms and conditions
- To agree opening date
- To agree closing date of 6th October 2022
- To approve the grant application form for 2022
- To appoint members of the grants working group to consider applications for recommendation to the next PP&R meeting on 24th October 2022
10a. 2022 Grant Application Scheme
10d. 2022 Grants Scheme – App Form
11.Over 70s Scheme 2022
- To note the report provided
- To address considerations contained in the report
12.Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 (meeting attendance)
To note that Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a member of a local authority to attend at least one meeting of that authority within a six-month consecutive period, unless permission for the absence is granted by the authority in advance, in order to avoid being disqualified as a councillor.