Policy, Process and Revenue Committee

Event Details

Meeting 6 (2022/23)

6. PPR Agenda 24-04-2023

6. PPR Minutes 24-04-2023

1.    Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and reasons for absence.

2.    Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest

3.    Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.

4.    Minutes of the meeting held on 27th February 2023

To accept and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

4. PPR Minutes 27-02-2023

5.    Frodsham Town Council accounts

  1. To approve and sign the total monthly BACS, direct debits and cheques.
  2. To note the monthly income and expenditure report.
  3. To approve and sign the bank reconciliation reports to end January 2023.
  4. To note that Cllr Wade checked bank statements against bank reconciliation reports (Frodsham Financial Standing Order 2.2) as resolved at the full council meeting held 27/03/23
  5. To appoint a councillor, other than the Chairman, to check bank statements against bank reconciliation reports (Frodsham Financial Standing Order 2.2)

5a. Receipts and payments

5b. Expenditure report

5c. CA 31-03-2023

5c. CCLA 31-03-23

5c. DA 31-03-2023

6.    Policies

  1. To approve the Councillor/Officer Protocol
  2. To note the roles and responsibilities of Officers and Councillors
  3. To adopt the Social Media Policy Supplement

6a. Councillor officer protocol 2023

6b. Roles and responsibilities

6c. Social media policy supplement

7.    Over 70s report 2022

To note the report provided.

7. Over 70s report

8.    Clerk’s appraisal

To note that Cllr Hayes will be carrying out the appraisal on 25th April

9.    Date of next meeting – 22nd May 2023

10. Close of meeting