Policy & Process Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 8 (2017/18)

Policy & Process Committee Agenda 24 04 18

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 24 04 18

No Item
122 Apologies for Absence
123 Declaration of Interest
124 Minutes of Meeting 7 held on 12 February 2018

To approve and sign the minutes as a true record.

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 12 02 18 (7)

125 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
126 Minutes of the Staffing Sub-meeting held on 10 April 2018

To note the minutes, the decisions taken and any recommendations.

Staffing Sub-Committee Minutes 10 04 18 (2)

127 Terms of Reference

To review and agree the TOR for 2018-19 and recommend them to Council.

127. P&P ToR 2018-19 Draft with mark-up

128 End of Year Accounts

To discuss the draft payments and receipts end of year accounts and agree any actions.

128. 2017-18 analysis

129 Internal Audit
129.1 To receive an update on the Internal Auditor Report action to date.

129.1 Frodsham1718_interim_IAreport FTC UPdate (2)

129.2 To note the Internal Audit will take place on 25 May 2018.
130 Annual Return
130.1 To note that the paperwork for the Annual Return has been received and must be completed and returned by Monday 11 June.

130.1 Annual Return 2017-18_instructions_final

130.1 Annual Return decision_tree_2017-18

130.2 To agree to hold an Extraordinary Meeting of Council to approve the Annual Return on Monday 4 June
130.3 To note that the RFO has set the date for the 30-day period for the Public Exercise of Rights to start on Monday 25 June including the statutory dates of Monday 2 July to Friday 13 July 2018.
131 Grants 2018-19

To agree the Grants paperwork and timetable.

131. 2018 Grant Application Scheme

131. 2018 Grants Scheme – App Form-1

131. Frodsham Town Council 2018 Grants Scheme Poster

132 CCLA Deposit Funds

To receive feedback from Nantwich Town Council and agree actions.

 133 Annual Report

To agree the style and contents of the Annual Report for 2017-18.

134 Committee and Sub-committee Membership & Substitutes

To receive an update on current membership and substitutes for committees and agree actions.

134. Committees & Substitutes

135 BACS Payments

To discuss and agree to pay regular contractors by BACS.

136 Website and Social Media stats

To receive a report and agree any actions.

136. FTC Web Analytics 2017-2018

137 Comments, Complaints and Compliments facility on the website

To receive an update and agree any actions.

138 Fuel Card

To note that the new operators of Gates Garage will not provide a local account service and to agree to open a Fuel Card account, to be settled by Direct Debit.

138. Fuel Card

139 Mayor & Deputy Mayor 2018-19
139.1 To note that Cllr Lord F Pennington will be Mayor for 2018-19.
139.2 To discuss seniority and recommend the Deputy Mayor for 2018-19 to Council.

139.2 Councillor Seniority List May 18

140 Timetable of meetings in 2018-19

To discuss and agree the dates of the meetings in 2018-19.

140. Meeting Schedule 2018-19

141 Administration Costs

To discuss the potential to reduce FTC’s administration costs and agree any actions.

141. Reducing admin costs paper

141. BUDGET ANALYSIS 2014-18

142 NALC Legal Notes

To note NALC Legal Notes 1, 2, 5, 8 and 87 have been revised and reissued in April 2018.

142. LTN 1 – Councils Powers to discharge their Functions revised April 2018

142. LTN 2 – The Chairman of Local Councils revised April 2018

142. LTN 5 – Parish and Community Council Meetings revised April 2018

142. LTN 8 – Elections revised April 2018

142. LTN 87 – Procurement revised April 2018

143 Standing Orders

To review, agree and recommend to Council the amendments to the Standing Orders required following changes in legislation – See NALC LO4-18.

143. Revised Standing Orders 2018 – marked up

143. L04-18 – 2018 MODEL STANDING ORDERS (2)

144 Pay Award for 2018-2020
144.1 To note that the National Pay Award for public sector employees has been agreed with a 2-year deal.

144. Pay Award 2018-20

144. Pay Award Scale 2018-20

144.2 To note the impact on the salary budget of this award for 2018-19.
145 Insurance

To note the cost of Insurance for 2018-19 will be £2,174.28 including Insurance Premium Tax.  This is the final year of a 3-year agreement.

145. TAP invoice

145. TAP Policy Schedule

146 Subscriptions

To discuss and agree the subscriptions to external bodies for 2018-19 to be recommended to Council on 21 May.

146. Subscriptions 2018-19

147 Customer Service Assistant Vacancy

To receive an update on the recruitment process.

148 GDPR

To receive an update and report from the training session and agree any actions.

149 Fields in Trust and Assets of Community Value

To agree additional temporary administrative support to enable the completion of the applications to Fields in Trust and CWAC.

150 Clerk’s Items

Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda.

151 Date of the next meeting
