Agenda – Meeting 8 (2017/18)
Policy & Process Committee Agenda 24 04 18
Policy & Process Committee Minutes 24 04 18
No | Item |
122 | Apologies for Absence |
123 | Declaration of Interest |
124 | Minutes of Meeting 7 held on 12 February 2018
To approve and sign the minutes as a true record. |
125 | Opportunity for the Public to Speak |
126 | Minutes of the Staffing Sub-meeting held on 10 April 2018
To note the minutes, the decisions taken and any recommendations. |
127 | Terms of Reference
To review and agree the TOR for 2018-19 and recommend them to Council. |
128 | End of Year Accounts
To discuss the draft payments and receipts end of year accounts and agree any actions. |
129 | Internal Audit |
129.1 | To receive an update on the Internal Auditor Report action to date. |
129.2 | To note the Internal Audit will take place on 25 May 2018. |
130 | Annual Return |
130.1 | To note that the paperwork for the Annual Return has been received and must be completed and returned by Monday 11 June. |
130.2 | To agree to hold an Extraordinary Meeting of Council to approve the Annual Return on Monday 4 June |
130.3 | To note that the RFO has set the date for the 30-day period for the Public Exercise of Rights to start on Monday 25 June including the statutory dates of Monday 2 July to Friday 13 July 2018. |
131 | Grants 2018-19
To agree the Grants paperwork and timetable. 131. 2018 Grant Application Scheme |
132 | CCLA Deposit Funds
To receive feedback from Nantwich Town Council and agree actions. |
133 | Annual Report
To agree the style and contents of the Annual Report for 2017-18. |
134 | Committee and Sub-committee Membership & Substitutes
To receive an update on current membership and substitutes for committees and agree actions. |
135 | BACS Payments
To discuss and agree to pay regular contractors by BACS. |
136 | Website and Social Media stats
To receive a report and agree any actions. |
137 | Comments, Complaints and Compliments facility on the website
To receive an update and agree any actions. |
138 | Fuel Card
To note that the new operators of Gates Garage will not provide a local account service and to agree to open a Fuel Card account, to be settled by Direct Debit. |
139 | Mayor & Deputy Mayor 2018-19 |
139.1 | To note that Cllr Lord F Pennington will be Mayor for 2018-19. |
139.2 | To discuss seniority and recommend the Deputy Mayor for 2018-19 to Council. |
140 | Timetable of meetings in 2018-19
To discuss and agree the dates of the meetings in 2018-19. |
141 | Administration Costs
To discuss the potential to reduce FTC’s administration costs and agree any actions. |
142 | NALC Legal Notes
To note NALC Legal Notes 1, 2, 5, 8 and 87 have been revised and reissued in April 2018. 142. LTN 1 – Councils Powers to discharge their Functions revised April 2018 142. LTN 2 – The Chairman of Local Councils revised April 2018 142. LTN 5 – Parish and Community Council Meetings revised April 2018 |
143 | Standing Orders
To review, agree and recommend to Council the amendments to the Standing Orders required following changes in legislation – See NALC LO4-18. |
144 | Pay Award for 2018-2020 |
144.1 | To note that the National Pay Award for public sector employees has been agreed with a 2-year deal. |
144.2 | To note the impact on the salary budget of this award for 2018-19. |
145 | Insurance
To note the cost of Insurance for 2018-19 will be £2,174.28 including Insurance Premium Tax. This is the final year of a 3-year agreement. |
146 | Subscriptions
To discuss and agree the subscriptions to external bodies for 2018-19 to be recommended to Council on 21 May. |
147 | Customer Service Assistant Vacancy
To receive an update on the recruitment process. |
148 | GDPR
To receive an update and report from the training session and agree any actions. |
149 | Fields in Trust and Assets of Community Value
To agree additional temporary administrative support to enable the completion of the applications to Fields in Trust and CWAC. |
150 | Clerk’s Items
Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda. |
151 | Date of the next meeting
Tbc |