Policy & Process Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 5 (2018/19)

Policy & Process Committee Agenda 15 04 19 (5)

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 15 04 19 (5)


No Item
80 Apologies for Absence
81 Declaration of Interest
82 Minutes of Meeting – 25/03/19

To approve and sign the minutes as a true record.

82 PP Minutes 25 02 19 (4)

83 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
84 Finance Management 1/03/19 – 31/03/19

To approve and sign the finance report.

84. Finance report

84.1 Paid expenditure

To note the total expenditure in March 2019 was £9,712

84.2 Received income

To note the total receipts in March 2019 was £3,845.61

84.3 Bank reconciliation

To that that, after all considerations cash balances on 31st March 2019 were £311,678.96

85 Terms of Reference

To review and agree the TOR for 2019-20 and recommend them to council.

85. P&P ToR 2019-20

86 End of Year Accounts

To discuss the draft payments and receipts end of year accounts and agree any actions.

87 Internal Audit
87.1 To receive an update on the interim internal audit.

87.1 JDH Interim Internal Audit 2018-2019

87.2 To note the internal audit will take place on 29th May 2019
88 Annual Return
88.1 To note that the paperwork for the annual return has been received and must be completed and returned by Monday 1st July 2019
88.2 To note that the RFO has set the date for the 30-day period for the Public Exercise of Rights to start on Monday 17th June to Friday 26th July
89 Risk Assessment

To consider and approve updated risk assessment for 2018-19.

89. Risk Assessment 2018-2029

90 Grants 2019-20

To agree the grants paperwork and timetable.

91 Annual Report

To agree the style and contents of the Annual Report for 2019-20

92 Website and Social Media stats

To receive a report and agree any actions.

92. FTC Web Analytics Feb-Mar 2019

93 Policies
93.1 To approve Occasional Working from Home Policy

93.1 Homeworking Policy

93.2 To approve Co-option Policy

93.2 Co-option-Policy

94 Timetable of meetings in 2019-20

To discuss and agree the dates of the meetings.

94. Meeting Schedule 2019-20

95 Standing Orders

To review and agree recommendation.

95. Standing Orders 2018-19

96 Insurance

To note the cost of Insurance for 2019-20 will be £2,321.74 including Insurance Premium Tax and long term agreement discount.

97 Assets Register 2018-2019

To review and approve.

97. Asset Register 18-19

97 Subscriptions

To discuss and agree the subscriptions to external bodies for 2019/20 to be recommended to Council on 20 May 2019.

98 Clerk’s Items

Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda.

99 To resolve to exclude members of the public from the following item due to the confidential nature of the discussion.
100 Staff Appraisal

To note conclusion of Administrative Officer’s staff appraisal and recommendations from the Town Clerk

101 Town Clerk Annual Leave

To note dates of annual leave

102 Close of meeting
