Policy & Process Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 6 (2017/18)

Policy & Process Committee Agenda 11 12 17 (6)

Policy & Process Committee Minutes 11.12.17 (6)


No Item
95 Apologies for Absence
96 Declaration of Interest
97 Minutes of Meeting held on 13 November 2017

To approve and sign the minutes as a true record.

Policy & Process Minutes 13.11.17 (5)

98 Opportunity for the Public to Speak
99 Ship Street

To discuss the process for selling the land and agree actions.

100 Action Plan 2018-19

To finalise the Action Plan for 2018-19.

100. P&P Action Plan for 2018-19

101 Budget 2018-19

To agree the budget for 2018-19.

101. P&P Budget 2018-19

102 Internal Auditor

To receive advice and agree action on matters relating to:

102.1 Ship Street sale and capital gains tax
102.2 Community Asset values
102.3 Asset Register values
102.4 VAT on civic parades

102.4 VAT Notice 749

103 Staffing Sub-committee

To note that the first meeting will be on Tuesday 12 December after Events Committee.

104 Community Centre Lease & Trust Deed

To receive the advice from the solicitor and agree actions.

105 Eddisbury Square Car Park

To discuss complaints about the operation of the car park and agree to make representation to the British Parking Association.

106 Office Accommodation

To receive an update and agree any actions.

107 CWAC Community Assets Framework

To note that the consultation is open until 25 February.  To discuss and agree a response.

107. community assets framework consultation document

108 Clerk’s Items

Any information items since the agenda was circulated, or items for the next agenda.

109 Date of the next meeting

Monday 12 February
