Policy, Process & Revenue Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 4 (2021/22)

4. PPR Agenda 28-02-2022

4. PPR Draft Minutes 28-02-2022

49.Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

50.Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest

51.Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.

52.Actions from the previous meeting

To note actions taken since the previous meeting held 25th October 2021


Ref Subject Actions By Outcome
38 Minutes Minutes approved
39b Finance The finance report was approved and signed
40b Grants Recommendations from WG approved total £10,050 JO Applicants informed 3/11.  All grants paid.
41a Cemetery Agreed to purchase 10 x Marmax benches to replace the existing benches at a cost of £269 each JO Ordered 28/10/21 6-8 weeks delivery. Benches installed 4/01/2022.
41c Cemetery Quotation for bench installation accepted from NTC at a cost of £490 JO Instructed 28/10/21. Benches installed 4/01/2022.
41d Cemetery Request from relatives for specific location of additional benches deferred as members felt locations were inappropriate JO Relatives informed 2/11/21.  Relatives to attend meeting 20/12/2021 to make further request. Relatives to attend 28/02/2022 to request additional benches in the new section of the cemetery.
41f Cemetery Residents granted private access to cemetery with conditions JO Email sent setting out criteria and solicitors cost for licence.  Acknowledged but no confirmation.  Further emails not acknowledged as at 21/02/2022.
42b Winter Gritting The scheme was approved, Clerk to contact previous volunteers JO Volunteers contacted 1/11/21.  32 bags of grit delivered to 15 volunteers on 21/11/2021.  Invoice paid.
43a Assets register Approved
44b Risk assessment Approved
46 Clerk report TC to ask PCSO to pay particular attention to war memorial site over bonfire weekend JO Email sent 3/11/21, acknowledged and actioned.


53.Minutes of the meeting held on 25th October 2021

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

53. PPR Draft Minutes 25-10-2021


  1. To note the finance report January 2022. This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.
  2. To approve and sign the report.

54a. Accounts Report Pack

55.Finance Regulation 4.1

To consider revising finance regulations as follows (revisions highlighted):

4.1. Expenditure on revenue items may be authorised up to the amounts included for that class of expenditure in the approved budget. This authority is to be determined by:

  1. the council for all items over £5,000;
  2. a duly delegated committee of the council for items over £1,000; or
  3. the Clerk, in conjunction with Chairman of Council or Chairman of the appropriate committee, for any items below £1,000.

Such authority is to be evidenced by a Minute or by an authorisation slip duly signed by the Clerk, and where necessary also by the appropriate Chairman.

55. Interim internal audit


To note changes to procurement thresholds from 1st February 2022.

57.Interim internal audit 2021-2022

To note the interim internal audit report and response.

57. Frodsham interim 21/22 internal audit report

58.Committee terms of reference

  1. To note that ToR for each primary committee were approved by the individual committees in June/July 2021 and noted approved at the full council meeting held 26th July 2021.
  2.  To note that it was agreed, at the full council meeting held 29th November 2021 (minute ref 29/11/2021/81) to consider the ToR of the Staffing Sub-Committee at the next PP&R meeting for recommendation to full council on 28th March 2022.
  3. To consider the ToR of the Staffing Sub-Committee and make recommendations to the full council meeting to be held on 28th March 2022.

58b. Staffing Sub-Committee – ToR 2021-2022


  1. To note that relatives wishing to provide a personal access gate to the cemetery have acknowledged an email sent by the Clerk in relation to a formal licence agreement however have not agreed so no progress has been made. (2 mins)
  2. To note that 10 replacement benches have been delivered and installed. (1 min)
  3. To note that no plans have been put in place for erection of benches in the new section of the cemetery
  4. to consider the request from relatives to install a memorial bench in this section (decision deferred from 25th October 2021).
  5. To note the report provided by the Cemetery Clerk.

59e. Cemetery report


  1. To consider a report, provided by Cllr Ashton, on historical and current SLA visits.  To include frequency and costs.
  2. To agree actions.

60.FTC Allotment Report

61.Assets register

To note and approve the changes to the assets register to include 10 cemetery benches and 2 x Del Latitude laptops.

61. Assets register

62.Code of conduct

  1. To note the new councillor code of conduct which comes into effect on 1st April 2022.
  2. To approve recommendation of adoption of the code of conduct from 1st April 2022.

62. Briefing note – Code of Conduct

62. CWAC Code of Conduct 2022

63.Clerk’s report

To receive any further report from the Clerk.

64.Date of next meeting

Monday 25th April 2022 at 7pm at Main Street Community Church

65.Close of meeting