Agenda – Meeting 2 (2021/22)
Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Agenda 23-08-2021
Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Draft Minutes 23-08-2021
20.Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
21.Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest
22.Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
23.Actions from the previous meeting
To note actions taken since the previous meeting:
7(a) | Terms of reference | The terms of reference were approved and it was agreed to add a document history to the terms of reference for approval by Full Council. | JO | Complete |
8(a) | Minutes | Minutes approved | Complete | |
8(b) | Actions from mtg | Check where the defunct SID had been disposed. It was further noted that the rats are still in situ in the cemetery building and Cllr Stockton agreed to provide details of a contractor who would be able to deal with the situation. The Clerk noted that there is still a certain amount of equipment stored in the buildings which has not been used for some years. It was agreed to deal with the vermin in the first instance and then consider what to do with the equipment. | JO/BS | Rats now eliminated. Arrangements made to clear the buildings min ref: FTC/26-07-2021/50(b) |
9(b) | Finance | It was agreed to approve and sign the finance pack | Complete | |
10(a) | Audit internal | It was agreed to implement all recommendations | Complete | |
11 | Allotment visit | Clerk to contact P Vickery to arrange a weekend visit | JO | Contacted 8/07/2021 |
12(a) | Staffing | Lyndy Bosman appointed as Admin Assistant – start date 5/07/2021 | JO | Complete |
13(b) | Grants | Cllrs Griffiths, Ashton, Davies and McKeown will form the Working Group and meet via Zoom prior to Full Council on 27th September 2021 | To date (14/08/2021) no applications have been received | |
14 | Funding request | Referred to Events Committee | JO | To be discussed at mtg to be held 7/09/2021 |
16 | Queen’s Green Canopy | Referred to Amenities Committee | JO | Complete |
24.Minutes of the meeting held on 28th June 2021
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Draft Minutes 28-06-2021
- To note the finance report pack July 2021. This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.
- To approve and sign the report.
To note that the allotment visits have taken place and agree any action to be taken.
27.Grants 2021
- To note that the grants scheme has been publicised on the FTC website with a closing date for applications of 1st September 2021.
- To note that to date there have been no grant applications and agree any action to be taken.
28.Forest School
To consider recommendation to full Council of including a budget item within the 2021-2022 year of £2,000 to enable sessions to take place to coincide with the Annual Festival of Walks May 2022. These sessions would be free and would consist of 2 sessions of forest school, 2 foraging sessions and 2 map reading workshops.
29.Cemetery report
- To consider quotation for removal of 10 benches and replacement.
- To consider requests from relatives to install 2 additional benches.
- To note that the memorial wall has developed a large crack and was built without foundations and to consider the quotation to rebuild the wall.
- To note that a resident living adjacent to the cemetery has removed a section of hedging/tree to facilitate personal access to the cemetery and consider erection of a section of chestnut paling to secure the boundary (2 quotes supplied).
- To note that Police have advised that any further deliberate damage to the boundary should be reported to 101 as criminal damage.
30.Over 70s Christmas Gift Vouchers
To consider the report on the operation of the Christmas Gift Voucher scheme and to agree actions.
30. Christmas Gift Voucher Scheme
31.Clerk’s report
To receive any further report from the Clerk.
32.Date of next meeting
To note the date of the next meeting is Monday 25th October 2021.
Close of meeting