Policy, Process & Revenue Committee

Event Details

Agenda – Meeting 7 (2019/20)

This meeting was held in accordance with Local Authorities and Police & Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Crime Panels Meeting) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

Members of the public were invited to join the meeting via Zoom.

Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Agenda 21-12-2020Policy, Process & Recenue Committee Draft Minutes 21.12.2020

Audio recording

Video recording

158.        Apologies for absence

To receive apologies and consider acceptance.

159.        Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest

160.        Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.

161.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 October 2020

To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.

161 PPR Draft Minutes 26-10-2020

162.        Terms of Reference

To note the ToR approved at the Full Council Meeting held 28 September with a membership of the Ppicy, Process & Revenue Committee of 8 members, quorum of 3 and consider any changes to be recommended to Full Council.

162 PPR Committee – ToR 2020-2021

163.        Finance Reports

(a)    To note the Finance Report Pack November 2020.  This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.

(b)    To approve and sign the report pack.

(c)    To consider purchasing full Adobe package to enable effective redactions and ensure all pdf documents comply with website accessibility legislation at a one-off cost of £430.00

163 Accounts Pack 30-11-2020

164.        Co-option

(a) To note a meeting was held on 3rd December with J Weaver from ChALC, attended by D Critchley, J Critchley, P Griffiths, B Wade, L Sumner, M Poulton, R McKeown and J O’Donoghue where the procedure was discussed. It was agreed that one candidate can apply for more than 1 ward and that a separate application needs to be completed for each application.  The Clerk agreed to redraft the paperwork to make this clear and check that the draft meets legislation with ChALC before presenting to PP&R Committee for consideration and recommendation to full Council.  ChALC has reviewed the revised documents which are attached under (b).

(b) To consider and approve the co-option documents.

164b Co-option Policy & Process

164b Overton & Five Crosses Ward Eligibility

165.        Grounds Maintenance Tender 2021 – 2022

To consider appointing professional independent advisors to ensure that the tender process is carried out with due diligence and that best value for money is obtained for the Council (note this item may not be required following Amenities Committee Meeting to be held on 17/12/2020)

166.        Freedom of Information Requests

To note that there are currently 2 Freedom of Information Requests for information relating to the Grants Working Group and the Christmas Festival Working Group.  The Clerk is dealing with the requests under the terms of the Act and with guidance for the Information Commissioner’s Office.

167.        Christmas Tree

To receive a report from Cllr J Critchley and agree any action to be take.

168.        General Seats Policy

To consider and review the seats policy.

168 Seats Policy 2016

169.        Cemetery Seats Policy (new section)

To note that there is currently no policy regarding the new section of the cemetery and to consider, in principle, implementing a policy.

170.        Memorial Bench Working Group

To note the written report from the meeting provided by Cllr Griffiths and approve further action to be taken (report provided).

170 FTC Memorial Bench Working Party

171.        Cheshire Association of Local Councils

To note that current membership expires May 2021 and consider membership for June 2021 – May 2022.  The cost of membership for the period 2020 to 2021 was £1,470.04.  The cost is based on the Frodsham electorate.

172.        Budget 2021 – 2022

(a) To note budget projections to 31st March 2020 (report provided).

172a Budget projections

(b) To consider the budget for 2021 – 2022 and agree budget to be presented to full council (report provided).

172b PPR budget figures

172b Cemetery budget figures

173.        Grounds Maintenance Tender 2021 – 2022

To consider appointing professional independent advisors to ensure that the tender process is carried out with due diligence and that best value for money is obtained for the Council (note this item may not be required following Amenities Committee Meeting to be held on 17/12/2020)

174.        Over 70s Vouchers

To note that 973 vouchers have been issued. 49 valid applications were received after the original closing date (8 more were duplicates of applications received within the original period).  Cllr J Critchley delivered the 49 vouchers.

175.        Clerk’s Report

To receive an update from the Clerk.

176.        Date of Next Meeting

177.        Close of Meeting