Agenda – Meeting 1 (2021/22)
Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Agenda 28-06-2021
Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Draft Minutes 28-06-2021
1. Election of Chair
To elect the Committee Chair.
2. Election of Vice Chair
To elect the Vice Chair.
3. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
4. Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest
5. Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
6. Quorum
- To note that the quorum for full council meetings is one third of the total number of seats available (16) rounded up, regardless of whether Councillors have been elected (opposed or unopposed) or co-opted.
- To note that the quorum for all other committee meetings is one third of the number of seats on the Committee with a minimum of 3. Terms of Reference for each committee state the number of seats on each committee is a maximum of 8.
7. Committee terms of reference
- To approve the terms of reference for the PP&R Committee for approval by Full Council at the meeting to be held on 26th July 2021.
7. PPR Committee – ToR 2021-2022 - To note that all Committees must review the terms of reference for approval by Full Council at the meeting to be held on 26th July 2021.
8. Minutes of the meeting held on 26th April 2021
- To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
Policy, Process & Revenue Committee Draft Minutes 26-04-2021 - To note actions/outcomes from the Meeting held on 26th April 2021
8b. Actions from the previous meeting held 26th April 2021
9. Finance
- To note the finance report pack May 2021. This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.
9. Account Report Pack - To approve and sign the report.
10.Year end internal audit
- To note the receipt of the year end internal audit and recommendations contained.
10. Internal Audit Report 2020-2021 - To implement recommendations
To agree a date for an allotment inspection.
To receive a report from Cllr H Hayes following interviews for an Administrative Assistant.
13.Grants 2021
- To note that the grants scheme has been publicised on the FTC website with a closing date for applications of 1st September 2021.
- To agree members of the Grants Working Group and note that the meeting must be held between 1st September and 27th September 2021 in order for a recommendation to be made to Full Council on 27th September 2021.
14.Funding request
To consider a request from Frodsham Library to support delivery of outdoor events as part of the Summer Reading Challenge and beyond. Full details provided to Cllrs.
15.Cemetery report
- To note that the benches at the cemetery are in a poor state of repair and receive a report from Cllr P Griffiths following a meeting of the working group.
- To note that the cemetery has ear marked reserves which could be used for replacement benches in the cemetery.
- To agree action with regard to equipment stored at the site and rat removal.
- To note that the request for information from the Valuation Office Agency relating to the non-domestic rating of the cemetery and premises at Tarvin Road was responded to on 8th June 2021.
16.The Queen’s Green Canopy
To consider taking part in The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which invites people from across the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee.”
17.Clerk’s report
To receive any further report from the Clerk.