Agenda – Meeting 3 (2021/22)
Policy, Process & Revenue Agenda 25-10-2021
Policy, Process & Revenue Draft Minutes 25-10-2021
34.Apologies for absence
To receive apologies and consider acceptance.
35.Declarations of interest
To note any declarations of interest
36.Requests from the public to speak
Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda.
37.Actions from the previous meeting
To note actions taken since the previous meeting held 23rd August 2021:
26 | Allotments | Clerk to arrange for London Rd hedge to be cut inside. Vacant plot London Road to be let. Plotters to obtain quotes for London Rd guttering | JO | Hedge cut, plot let, guttering installed |
27 | Grants | Extend closing date to 1/10/2021 | JO | Extended |
28 | Forest School | To recommend to FTC that FoW funding be increased by £2000 to pay for forest school, foraging and map reading sessions | JO | To include on agenda for FTC 29/11/21 |
29a | Cemetery | Decision on replacement of rotten benches deferred | AGENDA ITEM 41 | |
29b | Cemetery | Decision on installation of additional 2 benches as requested by residents deferred. | AGENDA ITEM 41 | |
29c | Cemetery | Decision on repair of memorial wall deferred. | AGENDA ITEM 41 | |
29e | Cemetery | Chair & Clerk to meet with residents to discuss the removal of a section of fencing by residents to facilitate their access to the cemetery | JO/HH | Meeting also attended by CA. Report to PP&R on 25/10/21
30 | Over 70s | Timetable approved. Scheme to be reviewed as part of budget setting for 2022/23 | Review at budget setting |
38.Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd August 2021
To agree and sign the minutes as a true record.
38. Policy, Process & Revenue Draft Minutes 23-08-2021
- To note the finance report September 2021. This includes details of all expenditure and receipt items, bank statements, bank reconciliations, breakdown of expenditure and receipts by budget item, management reports.
- To approve and sign the report.
39. Accounts Report Pack 25-10-2021
40. Grants 2021
- To note that the grants working group met on Friday 15th October via Zoom and considered 11 applications. Report circulated prior to the meeting.
- To approve the recommendations of the working group (budget £10,000)
- To note completion forms submitted by 2020 recipients of grant funding
40a. Report from the grants working group
40c. Girlguiding Frodsham District Grant Completion Form 2021
40c. History Society Grant completion form 2021
40c. Frodsham Manor House Primary PTA Grant Completion Form 2020
- To note the recommendation of bench style from the Bench Working Group and agree action to be taken
- To note that no plans have been put in place for erection of benches in the new section of the cemetery
- To note the quotations received for installation of 10 x benches and removal of existing benches and agree action to be taken
- To note the request to install an additional 2 benches by relatives and agree action to be taken
- To receive a report from Cllr Hayes following a meeting took place on 24th September with residents adjacent to the cemetery to discuss installation of a private access onto the burial ground
- To consider approval of the following:
- Provision, funded by residents, of the installation of an unobtrusive and appropriate gated access to the cemetery for explicit intention of visiting a grave
- Design to be approved by FTC
- Access to be granted to family members only
- On sale of property, private access to be withdrawn, unless the sale is within the family
- At such time as new graves reach the access, permission for use will be withdrawn and the current public entrance will be the only access to the cemetery
42.Winter gritting scheme
- To note the format and process for the scheme
- To approve the 2021/22 winter gritting scheme
42. Application Form Community Gritting Scheme-2021
43.Assets Register
- To note that the only revision to the 2020-2021 assets register is the removal of the cups and trophies from the register following disposal
- To approve the Assets Register at £626,590
44.Annual risk assessment
- To note the annual risk assessment carried out by the Clerk
- To approve the annual risk assessment
45.Over 70s Christmas Gift Vouchers
To note the report prepared by L Kenny.
46.Clerk’s report
To receive any further report from the Clerk.
47.Date of next meeting
Monday 20th December 2021 at 7pm
Close of meeting