Frodsham Town Council

Event Details

Meeting 2 (2022/23)

2. FTC Meeting Agenda 25-07-2022

2. FTC Meeting Minutes 25-07-2022

22.Apologies for absence

  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. To approve apologies for absence

23.Declarations of interest

To note any declarations of interest on items which are on the agenda

24.Requests from the public to speak

Members of the public are invited to speak on items which are on the agenda in accordance with FTC policy on public speaking at meetings:

25.PCSO report

To receive a report from PCSO Neil Flanagan

26.Cheshire West and Chester Council elected councillors

To receive a report from councillors

27.Appointment to committees

To appoint Cllr Ross to committees

28.Bank signatories

To approve bank signatories

29.Approval of minutes

To approve and sign the minutes of the Annual Town Council Meeting held 23rd May 2022.

29. Annual Meeting Minutes 23-05-2022


  1. To approve and sign the finance report for the period 1st June 2022 to 30 June 2022 noting all bank statements, bank reconciliations, accounts paid and income received.
  2. To consider making a provision, equivalent to the budget sum for 2022-2023, to the Christmas Festival Working Group, with restrictions as to expenditure and subject to provision of accounts/receipts/invoices as recommended by the Events Committee at a meeting held on 7th June 2022 (extract below):

30. Accounts report pack


  1. To note that there is one applicant for the Waterside Ward vacancy
  2. To consider co-option to the Waterside vacancy


  1. To receive a report from Cllr Hayes
  2. To agree any action to be taken

33.Junior Mayors 2022-2023

  1. To consider reappointing Junior Mayors
  2. To agree action to be taken

34.Memorial path

  1. The pre-contract meeting with Horticon Ltd, Harrison Design Development, Cllr P Griffiths and J O’Donoghue (Town Clerk) was held on 4th July and the purchase order was issued and contract signed and witnessed.
  2. The works are scheduled to begin on 15th August with a scheduled timescale of 8 weeks
  3. A secure compound will be required at the gates to the memorial
  4. The Clerk will publicise the works which will be taking place
  5. To receive any further report from the clerk

35.Ship Street play area

  1. The pre-contract meeting with Horticon Ltd, Stephenson Haliday (RSK), Cllr P Griffiths and J O’Donoghue (Town Clerk) took place on 5th July and the purchase orders were issued and contracts signed and witnessed.
  2. The works are scheduled to begin on 8th August with a scheduled timescale of 13 weeks
  3. The play equipment from Jupiter was ordered on 28/06/2022 with a 12-week lead time.
  4. The play area will remain locked for the duration of the works to enable secure storage of equipment and allow landscaping works to settle and grass to grow.
  5. The clerk will publicise the works which will be taking place
  6. To receive any further report from the clerk

36.Councillor vacancies

  1. To note that there is 1 vacancy in Waterside Ward, 2 vacancies in Lakes Ward and 2 vacancies in Castle Park Ward
  2. To agree action to be taken

37.Clerk’s report

  1. To receive an update from the clerk
  2. To agree any action to be taken

38.Close of meeting